Not sure how to take this.....**update 6/11***

edited June 2011 in Third Trimester
So today I start my 3rd trimester. I am so happy that I am going to get to meet my little guy in less then 13 weeks! Well my hubby tried for 6 years to get pregnant and now that I am, I just want to share stuff on Facebook. I have the babygaga thing that posts every week and whenever we have appts I post about them, also I always post pictures of the ultrasounds. Now keep in mind I have family all over the world, and seeing this stuff on Facebook is how they are connected to this pregnancy.

Now here is the problem, a very close guy friend of mine posted this comment to my status (status said, Starting my 3rd trimester! Only 13 weeks to go!)
Awesome. No more I'm pregnant statuses. Awesome.

Then it's nothing but baby baby baby. Awesome.

Please don't forget you're still a person and not only a mother.

I mean that in the best and most sincere way.

Now I am not sure how I am supposed to take this.....I don't know, maybe it is because he is a man and has a kid that he is only a part time dad too, or something. But doesn't your whole life change once the baby comes? I mean he is going to be my whole world, isn't that the way it is supposed to be? He is supposed to come first, I choose to stay home with my kid instead of going out and partying? Also keep in mind I am 30 years old, so I am just not sure what to think of this comment.....What do you guys think?

So my dear friend deleted me on Facebook, so I sent him a message and said WTH! We have a difference of opinion and you don't wanna be my friend anymore? He said he thought that is what I wanted. I said if we were meant to agree on everything we would have stopped being friends a long time ago! He apologized and I told him if he doesn't like seeing my posts, then to just ignore them, that is what I do with his! I don't send him comments that hurt his feelings. He said he was sorry for being a jerk....So now everything is fine and his wife is going to proof read everything he comments on my posts from now on! lol


  • I think he's a Jerk for the no more pregnant status comment and I think we should come up with a good comeback on the don't forget your still a person not only a mother comment, you should say something like actually your wrong I'M A MOTHER FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE AND I;M PROUD OF IT...or something along those lines lol
  • I think it was an a-hole comment.....maybe he's just having a bad day or simply just being a typical man....don't let him rain on your parade keep on posting girlie!
  • Idk what he could possibly mean by that, other than exactly what he said. He sounds bitter towards your pregnancy...I post everything about my pregnancy on fb too, for family & friends that aren't near and also because I'm just that damn excited. I would say something smart-assy too, or the better thing would probably be to confront him and ask him wth that comment is supposed to mean?
  • I was thinking of posting something pregnancy related everyday for the rest of my pregnancy and tagging him! lol He is one of those people that always says what is on his mind, and thinks he is right.....He is one of my very best friends but such a prick sometimes!
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • @headersue we all have one of them friends lol!
  • Wow..what an ass! (Sorry) Keep posting the status' lol I do it and I don't care who says what about it. They talk crap they're being deleted. I don't need anyones bs.
  • @08lilmomma11 I've done it....deleted family for crying out loud if you don't like what I post than you gotta keep it moving is my motto lol......
  • The thing that really pisses me off about it is that he knows we have been trying for a long time to get pregnant, and I have known him for 12 years, so he knows how obsessive I get about things....Sometimes he needs a smack in the head....
  • Well I don't see a problem with that type of status, but my SIL posts nonstop about "losing another chunk of plug" or "my cervix is finally at 3cm losing bloody discharge" and I'm pregnant and still find it inappropriate for Facebook. My BILs finally had enough and asked her to stop. I do not think that is the case here. That guy was being a jerk. Just ignore him sweetie!
  • My theory on it is I'm so freaking sorry I am happy about being pregnant and yes! When I have my baby I will be poting about him. If you don't like it do me a favor and delete yourself and if not..ill do it:)
  • Posting* lol
  • Well he just said that he doesn't want me to lose my identity after the baby is here. I told him that I will have a new identity....I am going to be solely responsible for the care and well being of this little person. My new identity is being his mom....
  • I don't think it has much to do with him being a man, just probably he's seeing more or your posts than anyone else on his newsfeed. My sil went thru some similar comments (behind her back at her job at thr time) regarding her wedding countdown. Those people were asses but in their (small) defense her posts do tend to be annoying. Example just about EVERYTHING is"aaammmaazzinngggg!!!!!!" I love her I do but I'm sure some of her baby posts will irritate me at some point. Right now I just laugh(I do NOT leave negative commenta or even lol's in any of her baby posts) because her math is just effed up. When her Husband came back from deployment she made posts about their 13 month deployment is finally over- he was gone only 11 months(barely) including the texas stays. Her preggo announcment was "after 10 months of trying.." well he came back a week or two before christmas so not really 10 months. But I digress....
    had your friend not made the no more preggo and then judt baby comment, I wouldn't see anything wrong with his "you're still a person" comment. A lot of women tend to be so wrapped up in their children, they have nothing left to give their partners..its possible that was the case with his ex? But since he could alwaus shoot him a "if its suvh problem block my status feed or delete me cuz they ain't stopping!message"
  • kind of seems like what my two 'friends' did to me on facebook
    JOSH: almost all of ur facebook posts r bout u complaining or begging... what r u gonna do when u have 2 do things for urself. jw is all
    to which i posted: other than my bf i do do everything for myself and most of my posts are just me being a smart alec or joking around
    now my supposedly bff like this ass's comment and then posted to him:i knew we were friends for a reason u know wat im talking about :-)
    am i in the wrong for just wantin to not wanna talk to her.... and the sad thing is that the post i had posted before he posted on my wall was "hmm someone should bring me a blizzard, any kind im not picky"
  • Girl 98% of my statuses be about my 2yr old son n I dnt give a damn about who dnt wanna read them because they can easily delete me.... its ur page n status write n put what u want! ;-)
  • Honey I do all the same stuff. I try not to talk about the baby or being pregnant too much because I know it does get on peoples nerves... but honestly its all I think about now and I can't help it!! I would either say something back to that guy or just delete him. He sounds like a jerk.
  • The only ppl i 'edit' myself around is those who have had a m/c my stepsisters sister had a m/c so i wasnt sure if i should invite her to my shower but she was very happy to be included and loved being around all the happy ppl
  • Ya he sounds like a dick. Just because you are excited about being a mommy doesn't mean you are giving up your identity. Congratulations on coming down the home stretch ( I'm getting their too!) When are you due? I have a edd of september 15th :)
  • He's an ass. He certainly wouldn't have to worry about the content of my posts because I would have already unfriended his dumb ass.
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