getting scared now!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
This is my first baby, I'm having a little boy and I'm really excited! I'm 32 weeks and now even though I can't wait I'm really scared! It's getting closer and I'm worrying, I just want to know what contractions feel like and what the whole labour is like, and I'm worrying incase I 'open my bowels' during labour. Last thing I had a car crash in April 2010 and damaged the vertebrae of my spine and cracked it so chances of eperdural ( how ever u spell it) might not be a good chance. Can anyone help settle my mind :)


  • Best advice I ever got was "Its pain with a purpose". Keep that in mind. Focus on the fact that you'll soon be meeting your precious little baby & it really does help. I had 19 hours of labor & she was sideways & dislocated my tailbone. I did get an epidural in the end, but only because I really needed it. Not all women say they feel like they need one. Good luck- I'm sure you will do just fine & soon you will experience the deepest love ever imaginable!!! :D
  • I've had 2 babies and with the second I pooped and it didn't even bother me and it was a big fear of mine. But after all that was going on it didn't even phase me. The nurse took care of the mess and it didn't make it noticable at all.
  • Yeah I can't wait to finally meet him, a lot of people have said once you see him and hold him all the pain goes. Obviously its going to be painful its just curiosity.
  • i broke my spine before and did fine with epideral....i just showed the anest..what part i broke at so they didnt hit that part...u should b fine
  • Oh good. It's just good to know u can have it if need be. Thanks :)
  • I couldnt help but chuckle a bit! I pooped a little with my first but I didnt know it for a while,my husband told me about it a few weeks later!
  • Yeah if you poop during labor it just means babys head is starting to come out and you probably wont notice. Its very common and nurses are professionals about it. Labor is hard to describe. My last one was completely natural, it hurt before i realized it was labor, but when i realized what was happening, i just got totally focused. It was hard not to fight the pain, but once i started concentrating on my breathing, and letting the pain go as soon as it came, it wasn't bad. I was even talking and cracking jokes between contractions. Its different for every woman, but if it was that bad, i wouldn't be having another baby already!
  • I had my first son pain meds at all...just remember to relax as much as possible and dont fight the contractions. It will go faster and smoother if you don't. It feels like super duper bad cramps...i tried to think of it as with each contraction he was getting closer to being in my arms. My second I had to have an emergency c-section and hated it. Hoping to have another natural birth with this one. Hmmm must not be that bad then right?? Lol good luck and congrats on your lil boy :-)
  • Yeah your right lol. I'm just a panick bum! Can't wait till it starts so I know he ain't far away from being in my arms. :)
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