33 weeks and no ultrasounds since my 20th week? its not necessary??



  • I am diabetic, but not high risk. I had one at 10wks (to confirm), 14wks (nt scan), 18wks (anatomy), one yesterday at 22wks (fetal echo) and I get another one in 6wks. I see thr high risk ob for those, but my reg ob for my monthly appts. I guess I shouldn't complain.... I get to see my baby girl quite a bit :)
  • My dr from last time was an older man (so old he had actually delivered some of my friends!) I got one scan to check the date and one for anatomy and that was all that was planned. For my 39 weeks appt, I saw his brother and he sent me for one to check baby's size out of the blue.

    That dr is semi retired and no longer sees OB patients. My new younger dr (who is also a mom with two young daughters) has given me one at every appt so far. So it really depends on your dr and insurance. (And having a stubborn baby that likes to hide her heartbeat doesn't hurt, lol)
  • I had a lot done before I turned 10 weeks probably 1 a week cus my levels didn't match my weeks Then one at 18 weeks a e.r one at 20 weeks and haven't seen him since then I do go back when I'm 32 weeks cus I have a low laying placenta. I'm 26 weeks now.
  • Im not sure as this girl ino and is actually here with me only has two aswell i dunno im gunna ask at next app
  • I feel bad Ive had at least 20 but Im high risk. With my first I only had 1, with my second I had 2. The NT scan was new to me this time. Thinking about it Ive probably had closer to 30. I can basically tell you everything you're looking at from kidneys to bladder and how to find blood flow. I can even tell you if Im in the room if your baby has hair! It's crazy! But having twins you kinda get used to it. I actually can't stand going anymore. My belly is sooo tender. It hurts me now.
  • i got one done at 32 weeks to check my anterior placenta. and my last 2 visits i got one just to check where the head is at. im 38+1
  • Oh wow.I can't believe most of you only get two. On my ob/gyn website they have a list of the visits you're supposed to have.I have had no complications,everything has been great with my pregnancy. Do you guys at least get to hear the hb? @everyone
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  • I got my first u.s done at 19w6d n it looked like my placenta was low so I got another one done at 22 w aint had one since I'm wonderin wen I can get another one I wanna see how big she has gotten n how much she weighs
  • @Excitedforbaby yea I get to hear the heartbeat everytime we go n for check ups
  • @pooh22 ok.at least they do that :) but sheesh.
  • I had my first ultrasound at 13 weeks to check baby then my second was at 19 weeks to check development and gender but we didn't want to know the sex. My last one will be at 35 weeks to measure growth and fluid level. Awesome thing about my dr is she has a hand held us machine so we see the baby at every appt it just doesn't print pictures :)
  • @Excitedforbaby ikr its a horrible wait makes u jus wanna have ur baby even sooner
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