Super irritable! Not good for work, can doctor prescribe something?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I work in retail management & right now is our busiest time of the year, so with lines come impatient, cranky people that want to complain to me. I have certain guidelines I have to enforce at work & many times my customers don't agree with them. I am really running a short fuse & even had a customer complaint about me the other day. I was only doing my job, just did it in a short quick way, cause people have really been pissing me off. I think its just the stress if being busy, tired, I quit smoking cold turkey 6 wks ago which use to be my cool down thing. Is anyone else going through this? Can your doctor prescribe you anything? I need something cause I'm ready to rip some peoples heads off, tired of people bitching about everything.grrr


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