I never would have thought...

edited June 2011 in Third Trimester
That I would pray for the pain to continue and NOT stop! Every night I get contractions... They get worse each night, but the always end up stopping! Sometimes I can barely breath through the discomfort, but at the same time I'm telling myself how much I wish they wouldn't stop and even get worse. Crazy.


  • That is how I felt too. Word what you wish for when you are waiting to meet them.
  • lol I know, I tried explaining this to my husband, he was like "umm... I've never wished to be in pain" haha
  • Chalk it up to men have no idea what is going on in our heads or our bodies. Just tell him you want to meet your bean faster. Men are clueless when it comes to pregnancy.
  • Yeah I feel the same way..I'm 39wks and he's being so stubborn...
  • @heatherlynn what's your due date? I'm due monday, the 13th. I hope my little girl is here by then or atleast very soon after!
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