*~UPDATE~*Venting; building security guard harrasing me about using the handicap door

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
So ladies, I just reached 23 weeks today, officially 6 months pregnant. The building I work in has really heavy doors so I always use the handicap door, u know the doors that open on their own when u press a button. So today I walk into work and the security guard has the nerve to tell me not to use the handicap door. When I explain that the doors are too heavy for me to open, she tells me to use one of the other doors because it lets air out when we use that one. wtf?! So of course, me just being me, when I come in again this time with ton of things in my hand, I use, u guessed it, the handicap door. This bia then asks me what my name is so I tell her and walk off saying "good day to you". and by the time I get off the elevator, she's on the phone with the receptionists complaining about me using the damn handicap door and asking her what company do I work for. So I march back downstairs and ask her what her name is and what company does she work for. She gets an attitude and tells me her name, the company, and her title (like I give two shits). I just said thank u with a big grin on my face and walked off. As I'm getting off the elevator again, she's on the phone with the receptionists asking what company i work for etc. The receptionists stops me to ask and I simply told her to tell that lady to stop harassing me and walked away. As soon as I got back to my desk, I was on the phone with HER boss, from HER company issuing a complaint about HER. I know I look really young, but lady you picked the wrong one, because since u didn't know, not only am I a grown ass woman, I am a pregnant grown woman who can use a damn handicap door if I need too and u will not be disrespecting me. Her boss assured me to use whatever door I need to, apologized, and told me that she would be reprimanded and apologizing to me as well. fuckin bitch...go report that


  • You handled the situation and yourself PERFECTLY ^:)^
  • LMAO! u go girl! tell them! i hate it when ppl look at us like why the hell we need a little extra help! u have every right to use the handicapped door! i mean damn its not like u were runnin over any little old ladies on canes or anything!

    way to take care of urself and baby! im glad u took care of it!

  • lol, that's golden! I had to get a temp handicap parking permit because twins at 6 months is no joke and most establishments where I live don't cater to mommies to be. I'd have done the same thing.
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  • edited June 2011
    @mrs_shu lol thanks girl, u gotta show me how to do that smiley, its classic lmao

    @vanalkr exactly! her reason for telling me not to use a handicap door is retarded. So because the door lets air out, isn't that what happens when u open any door and are we now going to tell all the people in the building with handicaps to not use it because of air? wtf lady go sit down somewhere. U r overstepping your job description. I had to do something because I refuse to be harrassed by this lady everyday when I come to work.

    @Deni_b & @angieahrens They should start making handicap parking spaces for pregnant women and women with small infants. we certainly do have a handicap and its not easy to have to carry a frickin car seat with you from the end of the parking lot to the store and back. all states should have that imo.
  • Go girl! I get harassed constantly for using handicapped parking. People think because I look young, that I'm healthy. They think wrong. I actually AM handicapped. I wish I had the nerve you do to deal with my tormentors. \m/
  • @singlemama u crack me up! i would have been totally pissed 2! oh and at my wal-mart they have about 5 parking spots close to the door with a green sign and a stork on it that say reserved for expecting mothers!

    aaahhh!!! i go there just so i dont have to waddle my fat ass in the heat too far! :D
  • All the stores where i live have spaces near the doors for pregnant and new moms.
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  • Yeah, they do need to make closer spaces for new mommies. I got two coming and it's not going to be easy outings when there's no close parking when daddy isn't with me at that time.
  • @angieahrens lmao, I try to waddle as fast as I can, but yep... Just one speed!
  • i think u did good i hate ppl like that dumb woman ur pregnant and i know doors r heavy at some places
  • edited June 2011
    @vanalkr @Deni_b @angieahrens @justkirarenee @waitingformybaby @armywife3 wow where do u guys live? they don't have any of that where I live. Isn't being pregnant a handicap, I mean there are things we just can't do that everyone else can. We can't eat certain foods, we're not supposed to lift heavy things, and we're not supposed to stand or sit for long periods of time.

    btw the receptionists in my building apologized on behalf of the security guard saying she didn't know I was pregnant. She can go suck a fat one because it shouldn't matter if I'm pregnant or not, she didn't even inquire as to why I had to use teh handicap door. She just looked at me thought I was young and she could spew random orders at me. I mean her explanation as to why not to use it doesn't even make sense! I swear these fake cops take their jobs way too seriously
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  • I've even seen people that aren't handicapped with perfectly two feet and perfectly two hands use the handicapped button.lol she needed to shit the hell up.what she gone say to the handicapped people."you can't use it cuz it let's air out?"lol air is gonna get out regardless.smh!that was dumb and you handled it.whooooohooooo!:D
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  • you wipe ur own A$$!! i love how u handled the situation!! more power to you for handling this the smart way! the world needs more women like you! keep saving the world, one crappy rent-a-cop at a time! :-))
  • You go girl!!!! :)
  • Good for you for standing up for yourself! Let us know if she actually apologizes!
    Just a sidenote, I work at a hospital and every once in awhile we get email reminders to NOT use the handicap door because it lets the heat/air out! Your post just made me think of this. But they are referring to the actual lazy people who have no reason to "push the button".
  • @singlemama I live in jax,fl. Only one mall has family parking but that's at the food court only and not the other entrances. Some call centers have it, but anywhere else, forget about it. After the babies are born, I don't have any close parking privledges anymore which is not right. The city doesn't care how difficult,it is to travel around with your little ones.
  • @singlemama I'm in Clearwater, FL. We have random places around here with expectant mother parking. The mall, some CVSs, some grocery stores. And there are never enough of them or handicapped spots. I have to walk really long distances in the miserable heat all the time, because there are no spots open.

    You are exactly right about pregnancy being a handicap in its own right. It slows us down more than usual for an extended period of time. Most people just don't see it that way, sadly.
  • @angieahrens thanks, i'll definantly ask my dr about that when I have my next appt which is sometime next week.

    @excitedforbaby thanks!! lol I've honestly never heard of someone telling someone not to use a handicap door. This lady acted like I was threat to national security or something. I'm about 5'4, 120lbs (baby bump and all). Now she just looks like an ass telling a pregnant lady not to use a handicap door. She really had nothing better to do. She was on the phone with the receptionist as I was getting off the elevator saying "yea there's a girl getting off the elevator right now, yea I'm watching her get off right now, she used the handicap door." like really lady get a life!!

    @baileygoose Thanks hun! I work in a very stress free environment and I just couldn't see myself going through that everyday when I show up for work. Those doors are really heavy. I was happy to discover the handicap door and have used them everyday since I started working there and not once has anyone said anything to me like that. not saying that there aren't perfectly healthy people who use it, but since u work at a hospital how do u differentiate the lazypeople from the sick? How could u know? I've never heard of that before.

    @blueberrysmom, @rubi1989, @mandac10 Thanks ladies!! ;-)
  • Wow.some people.me,I wouldn't gave a shit.kept walking and all.lol
  • edited June 2011
    So I just walked in the building today and lady says to me "excuse maam are u pregnant?" I reply very nicely "why yes I am" she says "I am woman enough to apologize for yesterday u did not say u were pregnant, all pregnant women can use the handicap doors." no shit sherlock. I replied "well u didn't ask, i explained the door was too heavy" she says "yes but if u had said u were pregnant that would have made all the difference, u don't look pregnant." I said "yea I get that all the time." (with my big belly clearly poking out) (my sarcasm is the worst lol) She said "i got the call from my boss and the receptionists told me as well and so I apologize. I'm not mean I'm actually very nice" Riigghhhttt....I just said well thank u for the apology (smile) and got on the elevator.

    @excitedforbaby, @blueberrysmom, @rubi1989, @mandac10, @justkirarenee, @Deni_b, @Mama_Kat, @angieahrens, @vanalkr, @waitingformybaby, @armywife3, @mrs_shu, & everyone else
  • hahaha! I love it! I hate when people have a pole stuck up their butt cause they think they have authority.
  • hahaha! I love it! I hate when people have a pole stuck up their butt cause they think they have authority.
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