ugh!!! Terrible Butt bone Pain!!

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 38 wk 2 days and I have severe butt pain. Does anybody kno Wat this is or Wat its leading up to?


  • Baby dropping body preparing...ur almost to the finish line!
  • @mommyo3soon2b4 thank u. I really hope he makes an appearance soon!!
  • At midnight I'm 40 weeks and I was told the same thing that the baby is dropping I feel it in my hips and in my upper butt lower back
  • That happened 2 me on Monday...but I'm 98% sure it was cuz I was cleaning all day Sunday...sweeping, mopping, laundry, bathroom, kitchen....the whole house..I woke up the next day not knowing how to sit or stand :/ I called the doc n the nurse told me I can use a heat pad on low or warm or tylenol...I'm 23+4. Wks :) good luck 2u tho...
  • I'm 36 weeks and I started having pain on my tailbone yesterday. It hurts to sit or stand up.
  • I'm 27 weeks and have butt pain ... Its really sore like I been working out or something but my lil man better not be dropping its not time My hips hurt and some time my jay jay feel swollen idk... its off and on good luck ladies :O :-t
  • Thanks ladies I jus didn't kno Wat to expect. But I'm feeling better today. Tues is my scheduled c section. I will b 39 weeks so no more pains. Lol but to all u enduring much longer hang ihere the end is near. :X
  • I have the same pain and Im 22wks =(( really uncomfortable
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