No baby shower for me =/

edited June 2011 in Baby showers
I'm a lil sad, she is my first so obv I wanted to experience a baby shower but in my case it ain't happening, dere rlly isn't anyone to plan its just me & my sister and my mother wnt even be able to attend cuz she's rlly sick and has to be in a physical therapy home cuz of her stroke & wnt be home in other family aren't reliable and my bd's family is all tlk again just unreliable so me and my sister agreed on a welcome home baby party so I can at least get gifts & show off my baby girl..its is a huge weight off my shoulders with all da stress tho as sad as I am about it, & luckily my sisters and mom have bought basically all da nessacary things she needs all dats left is da swing & a couple others lil things hopefully bd's family will chip in something at some point...


  • I'm sorry you can't have a baby shower. I wish you could go to the ones that are planned for me.
  • Aww I'm not having one either :( my m.i.l was goona do it but she's really tight on money now and my mom said her an my aunts would but she hasn't even told them! I would throw myself a simple one but we don't have the money either :(. Its my second baby but 1st girl! My son is 5 so I haven't been prego in a while lol. My sister has gotten a lot of stuff for her and I've picked up a few things here and there but we still need a lot! And I'm about to be 30 wks pregnant :\ .. I would throw you a baby shower :) especially if its your first!
  • @lily_glz yea I'm 29wks 2day & everyone has said a lot like we wanna plan but yet I never hear anything and I just can't handle da stress of planning it just myself & my sister cldnt handle da financial things on her own..thanks I wish I had da friends to do it for me but dats a no go either lol
  • Go to the baby shower event at babies r us June 11th, it won't be like a real shower but at least you'll have some goodies to get you excited and you'll be able to be around other mommies to be!
  • @Deni_b is it at all babies r us? I haven't heard of dat and I'm registered dere
  • edited June 2011
    I believe it is, it's posted on the website and doesn't look to be specific to just one store since I don't have a log in account for them and I didn't chose a store on the site check the events page to see if it is

    It's also in the ads they send you.
  • Alrite I'll check it out thanks @Deni_b
  • @deni_b omg is the babies r us event in London UK? I missed the mothercare one and I'm still pissed about that.
  • They have some nursing classes going on this month too, I'm not certain if that is the same for the UK, check the website and go to the events page. I know I get the booklet with the ads and coupons and it's usually listed in there what's going on in-store locally that month.
  • Thanks for reminding me about that! Cause I want to go.
  • Don't feel bad. It Made me aware how much a child is really worth besides medical. This is my 3rd and facing all alone and all i need now is his bath tub. I spent over $1,000 just on this one and i am a single mother. It makes me proud to be the one providing for him.On the previous preggies, well i had baby showers but i took them for granted. You never know until reality hits. Just have a welcome party which is still considered a baby shower. At least u have family and friends, i am alone in this country. Good luck
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