In serious need...

edited June 2011 in Third Trimester
Ok so I am on baby#3, 35 wks...all baby only gained like 18 lbs so 2 everyday I am coughing like a smoker, can't catch my breathe...isware an elephant is on my chest and by 6-7 every night I cannot stand up straight because the tendons or nerves on the inside top of my thighs cramp in a pain that I can't makes me double over. When I lived in ny I had a great ob who listened and took the time since moving to orlando my dr here barely has ten minutes and her standard answer is "thats normal" so I feel like a total nag complainer idiot. This is baby#3 and I never had any of this before...i jyst want to have this baby so I can be done with this pregnancy, laying on my ass and my ob/midwife whatever she is...


  • I hate the..that's normal answer from the doc..seems unauthentic, and unsympathetic. I'm on bby #4 and honestly this one's different in the ache dept too. I hope u find relief in your last few weeks. I have 2w left.
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