What's your pregnancy crack?!? Lol

edited June 2011 in Just for Fun
Ive always liked ice cream but throughout this pregnancy so far im sooo addicted to the banana split from oberweis! OMG talk about effin tasty!! Its seriously heaven in my mouth! YUMMMM!!!! :) How bout ya'll??


  • Mine is chocolate milk, after drinking so much it makes. Me feel sick but its so good and I can't stop
  • Soda... Course that had always been my addiction =p ive managed to limit it to one 20oz a day though...so Difficult.
  • I'm with lilloulou chocolate milk is amazing! Oh and Mac and cheese! :)
  • Mmm chocolate milk is delicious! @lilloulou @rckprincess2 i was never really big on pop but now my fiance limits my caffeine lol
  • Broccoli and ranch dressing! And just plain white milk! Oh and roasted red pepper hummus yuuuum!
  • Corndogs dipped in Safeway tomato bisque soup.... Oh soooooo yummmy. In fact I think I will have that for lunch at work tomorrow hehe
  • @blushing_mommy I also LOVE ranch dressing! I eat it on anything i can lol
  • Waffels with bananas and a gigantic glass of ice cold hershey's chocolate milk! Oh and also flamin hot cheetos!
  • I crave anything that isn't in the house. My mom was the same way when she was pregnant with me.
  • @Stillsurprised I miss Safeway :( I ALWAYS used to love going there after school and eating the sample cups of soup lol
  • edited June 2011
    Omg I can't believe I forgot until I read yours@chuieycuzca22! Mac n cheese and popcorn...not together...seperate...although I haven't tried it together maybe it is good lol

    And very very chocolatey nesquick powdered chocolate milk...only nesquick though...not any other. And only like every other day =)
  • Tums.... I literally have to eat them everynight before bed.
  • Sandwiches. I lived off them for like the last 3 mnths of my pregnancy.
  • @chels hahaha yeah I did that too. Funny they don't have sample cups anymore hehe
  • Banana anything! (Banana shakes, banana nut bread) I also find myself adoring pizookies & cupcakes ughhh.
  • Captain crunch oops all berries
  • @Stillsurprised aaaahahahahaha we are so bad lol I moved back to NJ from VA so no more Safeway soups for me all we have here is like shoprite and Acme :p
  • Oh cereal I forgot cereal as well. We eat a
    Lot of cereal in this house and its 2 adults lol. We usually buy 3 boxes each if possible per wk. I know that sounds ridiculous but its healthy. Its a good snack, good midnight snack lol, great breakfast and lunch -_- I know I'm a cereal fiend =p
  • Milk and cereal or milk and cookies... didn't eat either before being pregnant lol or drink milk. But every morning I have to have a bowl of cereal and before bed milk and cookies :)
  • @stillsuprised I haven't heard of safeway since I was in colorado... them and city market.. now I got winn dixie, publix and sweetbay
  • Honey nut cherrios with banana slices! Weird b/c i hated cherrios and banana before preggo! And i am with you choc. Milk ladies! I drink till it makes me sick and than i drink some more :-)
  • Yea I actually nvr ate cereal. As a kid we had eggs and bacon or sausage or steak...ya know eggs and something. And then I stopped eating breakfast from like jr high until a few months ago when I found the wonders of it. I literally can't function properly now without it. Its like my coffee. =)
  • Cereal!!! :)
  • I also LOVE cereal! Anyone have the eggo waffle cereal? Im loving that now w/ice cold milk!!! Mmm I have to eat breakfast as soon as i wake up, and then im starving 2 hours later lol
  • Tollhouse ready to bake chocolate chip cookies with a tall glass of milk, ice, coneys with onions ketchup n mustard, and cereal
  • I LOVE the coca cola slushees from 7/11 ..omg my addiction!!
  • Anything with potatoes.baked potatoes,potatoe chips,French fries,mashed potatoes.lol
  • salad and strawberries but not together. I have been craving a really fresh dark green lettuce salad with tomatoes, onion, cucumbers, parmesan cheese with an italian vinagrette dressing. I have eaten so many strawberries this pregnancy I am surprised I haven't turned red! We bought a 5 lb flat of strawberries at Costco and I ate them all within 2 days!
  • @juliek77 wow! That's alot of berries! Sounds yummy tho :)
  • Any type of fruit...grapes mangoes pears lemons mmmm....n most definetly cream of wheat with a little sugar everyyyday which is also really healthy for u n baby
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