passing time* help*

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Ok I need some advice, now that I have been pregnant there is nothing to do.... I'm just home and with nothing to do. So I was wondering what you ladies do to pass time. My hubby usually don't work on the weekends but this weekend he has to work so I'm going to be left home doing nothing. Help me!!! I can't start shopping for baby yet because I don't find out what I'm having until the 16th.


  • That's my ultrasound to ! I don't do nuthn eithr but my 2 kids keep me busy all day I don't have time for anythang lol
  • I dont do anything but sleep, go online, or watch tv. And clean the house when It needs it
  • Pregly fb tv shop
  • A club I frequented before has stopped letting people smoke indoors so I'll be going back there for as long as I can walk! You can try doing crafts, writing down baby names or just coming here! :)
  • Shop for "ideas" or neutral nessecities, like good deals on diapers, wipes, etc... Maybe also consider taking up knitting or crocheting a blanket for your baby...
    I also made a list of things I wanted to get done before our baby arrives, like tackle a messy closet, go through my pre-pregnancy clothes & find old stuff to donate, get our office files cleaned out & updated, get our first daughters' baby book updated, etc... That way, when I have a day of boredom I can look at the list & pick one to work on. And trust me, once you have your baby, there will be months when nothing gets done, lol!
    Good luck!
  • @Mrs_Jackson2anpreggo I have two kids already too and they keep me busy to, I still have a lot of down time. So what do you hopBoy or girl.@proudmommy8789 That sound just like me that's all I do.
  • I feel your pain. I don't have anything to do either...but luckily I'll have my little girl on Monday to keep me busy. Right now I just watch tv Facebook and pregly. And try to get out if the house whenever I can but it's been super hot lately
  • Um kinda hoping for boy we not finding out at our ultrasound sound. I have a boy an a gurl so don't really mattr to me. Pregly is the only thing that helps pass the time. BTW Wat r u hoping for ?
  • Thanks girls this is starting to help me with some good ideas:) o Yah and thank god for all you girls here on pregly or I would be out of my mind the days my hubby is working.
  • @ Mrs_Jackson2anpreggo I have a boy and girl already too. I would like to have another boy but I will be happy either way.How many weeks are you? They ate going to give me an exact on my appi
  • * appoment but I'm around 17 weeks. Sorry for my stupid phone.
  • I'm 19+3 jus wish mine wuld start moving lol!
  • My son, hubby and pets usually keeo me occupied, and house chores. I've become OCD these past few weeks on cleaning, lol but when I'm up late, hubby working and my son is at his dads, I research different things for baby- like finding out all I can bout breastfeeding and lately cloth diapers. I've been keeping up on news, pregly, and spending lots of time with famiky. Oo books are good too. I'm re-reading my fave jodi piccoult book this week
  • i been trying to spend as much time as i can with my 4 year old. we been doing soo many different crafts. i had him do the art work for the nursery. he had fun and it came out great! i been so bored with my man gone for the last 6 months in the army so crafts are by far the best thing to pass time
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