Misery, thy name is Twins. *UPDATE at bottom!*
I love my babies..... but c'mon! This over 12 lbs of baby, plus their sacs, plus all the extra fluid is for the damn birds. Their weight is great. Their lungs are ready to roll..... so why can't they just come out?! I'm terrified of going to l & d and being THAT woman (my sil who has now been 7 times in a week and a half)... but I give. I'm waving the flag! For the love of God make it stop! *melodramatic scene go*
@praying4our3rd it's hospital policy not to induce before 39 unless it's a special circumstance (multiples, complications, etc) so I really hope he has a solution or induces me. I would be jogging to speed it up if I could get up without help!
@praying4our3rd that actually wouldn't me made up. Haha minus the blackouts, but given I haven't kept any solid food down since like Wednesday it's next on the list of suck.
@mommyo3soon2b4 will do! Lets hope it's good news and not "you're dehydrated. Here have an IV. Now go home!"
@praying4our3rd @mommyof4girls @marriedwith_4 @ mommyo3soon2b4
@praying4our3rd @marriedwith_4 @bensmama @bri2186 @mom60511 @texasbeauty2787 @Deni_b @angel26