Wondering if I really need both? (Advice)

edited June 2011 in Baby showers
So at my baby shower I received a bouncy seat from my parents as well as a 2 in 1 infant seat/swing from my sister in law. At first, I was super excited, because my other two had hand me down bouncy seats that we bought at the consignment store and had given to us later on as they got a little bigger, and neither of them had a swing. But as both items continue to sit upstairs in my room and I watch my 17 month old son harass the bassinet I have sitting downstairs for when baby takes naps during the day, I wonder if having both is reasonable seeing that I'm already butting heads with my husband about where my recliner is going to go (it's at my mother in law's; I think it needs to be downstairs so I'll be comfy while nursing, he thinks it needs to be upstairs because our son had me sleeping in it for the first three months until he agreed to sleep in his crib and my husband doesn't want to sleep in the room alone). While it was great of my parents to get the bouncy seat, the swing seems like the item I'll be using far more often, so I'm wondering if I should take the bouncy seat back to the store for a credit toward something else I might need. At the same time, though, what if baby prefers the bouncy seat and I have to go out and get one thanks to turning this new one in? Anyone have any advice on what I should do?


  • I guess I'm just thinking that there are other things I still need and since our budget isn't being followed like it should be I'm worried about making sure I have the necessities.
  • Well with a swing you can put baby in there when they want to sleep but you don't want to put them in there crib, plus with a swing you can turn it on and go do dishes or clean. with a bouncy seat, my son loved his but i had to bounce it for him and the vibrate had to be on, and if i thought he was asleep i would go to get up and the moment that the bouncy stopped he would wake up screaming. So i honestly think a swing is better but thats my personal. but i wouldn't return the bouncy seat, I would find a way to store it just in case and worst case scenio you can always talk it to a consignment shop or put it on craigslist and get money back for it.
  • I had a swing and my dad bought the bouncy seat when my daughter was almost 3 months old and I was really sad I hadn't gotten it sooner. It's a different motion than the swing, so you have two options for soothing, instead of one and mine was a lot more portable than the swing, so it was easier to move her wherever I was. If you need the money or the space for something else, I would probably still pick a swing over a bouncer, but it was nice to have both.
  • @ready4gurl Thank you! I think the swing sounds like a more useful item, too; but it might depend on baby's own tastes too...I hope he doesn't want me to bounce the seat for him! :O LoL.
  • @laura536 Thanks for the advice! I think it would be awesome to keep both, too - it's just harder with two other kids in the house, and with the way my son is already treating the bassinet I'm worried about how he's going to treat the other items as well, especially if I have a swing AND a bouncy set out. I think I'm predicting disaster, but at the same time it might not make a difference if I have both or one; it could be disaster either way. >w<
  • I would keep both if possible i used both with my daughter.
  • @babynum2andproud It's definitely possible to keep both. :) I just have my mother's habit of trying to cut down to bare necessities and I'm sitting here thinking of the nursing bras I still don't have and so on and I'm wondering how I'm going to get those since my husband hasn't been working the overtime he swore he'd work for that guitar he bought a month ago... xP That stupid thing put us off track big time. But I can probably still figure out a way to do it; it's just intimidating that I only have a month left! >w<
  • That's what we women do worry about everything it will all come together one way or another. When r u due?
  • @babynum2andproud Amen! LoL. And I'm due July 11th. Doesn't help, though, that I'm carrying VERY low and my entire family keeps swearing up and down that this child is coming EARLY. Plus my other two didn't make it to their due dates.
  • Im due July 25th with my daughter i was a week late Im really hoping those one is earlier. I am also carrying low and am feeling tons of pressure as if Im being opened up with a can opener something i don't remember with my first. Have urn pregnancies been different?
  • @babynum2andproud Ugh, the pressure SUCKS! I feel like someone's stabbing me down there most of the time! This one has been totally different from the other two. My son and daughter were very similar pregnancies; gained lots of weight cos I was always hungry, only really had a backache close to the end, and a nice handful of false alarm runs to L&D in the last couple of weeks in the pregnancy. This time I've hardly gained any weight (though I'm starting to gain now!), appetite has barely increased from its prepregnancy size, have had tons of pelvic pain, went to L&D at 28 weeks when my doctor hooked me up to a monitor and found out I was contracting, and I've been trying to avoid going to the hospital since then at all costs because I'm already hearing complaints about how my false alarm runs are just way too stressful, and I remember that crying to the nurses doesn't win them over. xD And Tylenol can't get rid of true labor, so I'm reluctantly making it my buddy. LoL
  • If you do keep the seat don't ever bounce it for him. That way he doesn't know what he is missing. :)

    The seat is nice to have if you want to be outside with ur other two.

    Now the swing. You say its a 2 in 1. How so? I used to have a swing where the seat comes off for a baby seat or a toddler rocker. Is it like that?
  • Walmart has nursing bras for about 6-10 bucks btw
  • @leggs2011 Good point. 8) I just have to keep my daughter from being helpful and bouncing it for him. xD She was even interested when my son was small enough for his! The swing I definitely want to keep because I KNOW those things work miracles; even if they drain batteries. And yes, it's a swing that can also be used as a seat. I haven't opened either of these yet, but from the looks of the swing on the box, you take the seat off and it becomes a chair/rocker.
  • @leggs2011 I know; I was searching walmart.com yesterday and saw them. That's part of what got me thinking. I wish my WalMart still had a maternity section so I don't have to pay for shipping... >.>
  • Im just hoping all these new symptoms is a sign of baby coming before due date not later :-?
  • @babynum2andproud Well I know as of yesterday for a fact that the pelvic pain is from how low baby is laying, and we know that's how baby gets ready for labor. :) Fingers crossed! :D
  • Can't u do site to store for no shipping fees that's how i got my swing and travel system
  • I'm not sure if they do that for intimate apparel...I should double check. I know that's how I got my son's car seat and crib though.
  • True but if its not sold in the store it should work i just love walmart for everything but baby clothes they seem to be made too short and wide my daughter seemed to always have a middrift and saggy pants lol
  • Oh and i wouldnt consider a nursing bra intimate apparel lol not very sexy if u ask me :O
  • @babynum2andproud WalMart saved my butt last year for summer clothes for my son. xD And I just checked, they won't do a site to store but they do have $0.97 shipping right now. I wonder how many things I can get? xD
  • @babynum2andproud True that! LoL Then again I don't think there's really anything sexy about taking off your bra and squirting your man in the eye with milk! :-)) I've SO done that one before!
  • Maybe i was getting the wrong brands lol i will try again the prices can't be beat. 0.97 is an awesome deal for shipping go for it
  • Omg i would laugh so hard that's too funny :-??
  • Oops wrong face
  • @babynum2andproud It's possible; I went for the Garanimals clothing cos I was very, very broke and $3 for a onesie was good news for me. Thrift store was even better, but that one didn't work out until winter came around. xD And oh yeah; you can imagine the heat of the moment and then, suddenly, we're both sitting up while I apologize profusely, wiping milk off of his cheekbone asking him if it stings. :-)) Not very funny at first, but definitely good for a laugh when reflecting on it later! :D
  • I can only imagine i may have to try it lol
  • Target has pretty nursing bras and tanks. They are 16.99... Getting one isn't bad. I just have one pretty one, and a couple ehh ones. Most stores don't carry my size in stock though... :( So I grab whatever it is if I find one.
  • @babynum2andproud LoL! :-))
    @Mommyof4girls That's where I got my last nursing bra; I used a gift card I got for registering at Target for my baby shower, so mine wound up being free. :) Now I'm trying to find something cheap that will work out okay. I wound up using sports bras and that one nursing bra last time and the sports bras SUCK because as soon as you lift up one end to nurse the nursing pad on the other end gets moved and you leak through your bra AND shirt. >w< Not fun. I'm not doing that again!
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