Has anyone been induced at 37 or 38 weeks opposed to 39?

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Im going to be induced before my due date because of a pre existing medical condition, I was just wondering how early some docs would induce.


  • My cousin was induced with her two pregnancies at 38 weeks - the first because her daughter's umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck two or three times and the doctor was scared that she would get hurt if he let her stay any longer. The second was because the umbilical cord only had two of the three arteries in it that it generally has and they wanted to bring baby into the world before something went wrong with that; she was closely monitored during that entire pregnancy before the induction.
  • I think my hospital will only allow 39 weeks for induction unless medically ness.
  • I was at 37 for low fluid
  • I'm hoping to be induced at 38 wks bc of a big baby and I have a small pelvis, but most likely in my case I will have a csection at 39 weeks.
  • Ok thanks ladies :)
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