Ugh-i want salami!

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Salami with cream cheese sounds so good right now! Anyone else have cravings that they are not allowed to have?


  • A large moca madness ice coffee from honey dew <):)
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  • @lmelanson I love lunchables too! My favorites are the pizza and nacho ones.
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  • I eat salami all the time with pepperoni...u can eat lunch meat just warm it up first
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  • I've been craving hot dogs :) I was able to find some nitrate free ones, so I did indulge :)

    @preggointx the other concern about cured meats is nitrates.
  • I had some 2 days ago and it was yummy!
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  • Well every book I read said its ok hot I go to subway and get it toasted with the meat on there
  • I eat lunch meat as well as hot dogs. Y can't u have it? I ate what I wanted with my first 2 b4 they came out with this " list " of foods u cant have. My thing is what's next to be added on the list water ?
  • I just had summer sausage. I'm sue ur mom didn't miss a good deli sub when she has u and ur fine. I mean pretty soon pregnant women are only going to be allowed to portioned meals that get delivered to ur house like a diet plan. Eat within reason.
  • I eat salami all the time and hot dogs... uh oh :O

    @marriedwith_4 didn't you hear!? Water is on the list can't drink it... sorry!
  • well ive always eat hot sandwhiches anyways! i dont like my lunch meat cold! eww! im not a fan of hot dogs but i had 2 today cause thats all they had at a BBQ i went to :( i drowned it in ketchup
  • @newmomma15 damn, I guess I better pour mine out then
  • I haven't eaten any lunch meat so far (I'm 36+5) so I might as well wait and be a good girl :)
  • edited June 2011
    My OB told me to avoid nitrates and so I have...not happy about it at all, but my request for a cold cut sandwich post delivery will be fulfilled :) @homebirthadvocate what are your thoughts?

    Here is an article that explains nitrates/nitrites...

    Sodium Nitrate Consumption During Pregnancy
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    Sodium Nitrate Consumption During Pregnancy
    You probably know you need to avoid certain foods during pregnancy. Alcohol is off limits, and most obstetricians recommend that you limit caffeine. Because of bacterial contamination, it's important to avoid undercooked or raw meats. Interestingly enough, however, some fully-cooked meats are also off-limits during pregnancy--specifically, those that contain nitrates.
    Sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite are both salt compounds that have application as preservatives in meats. Because they're both oxidizing agents, meaning that they take electrons out of chemical bonds and cause molecules to break, they can destroy DNA and other critical molecules in bacteria. This inhibits bacterial growth, making both sodium salts excellent meat preservatives. Unfortunately, however, these preservatives also react with certain components of meat, producing potentially harmful compounds, especially to a developing baby.
    Most of the health concern surrounding meat preservatives is actually centered around sodium nitrite rather than sodium nitrate. Unfortunately, however, your body can convert a small portion of sodium nitrate that you eat into sodium nitrite, meaning that sodium nitrate leads to the same problems as sodium nitrite. Nitrites, explain Drs. Mary Campbell and Shawn Farrell in their book "Biochemistry," can react with compounds called secondary amines to produce carcinogens, meaning cancer-causing agents.
    The reaction of nitrates to form nitrites, and then of nitrites with secondary amines, is worrisome for the reason that meat is a rich source of secondary amines. Therefore, since nitrates occur most frequently in the diet as meat preservatives, when you eat nitrate-preserved meat, you're consuming all the ingredients you need to produce carcinogenic compounds. Explains Dr. Miriam Stoppard in her book "Conception, Pregnancy and Birth," carcinogens in your body can cause cancer in both you and--if you're pregnant--in your unborn child.
    Expert Insight
    A branch of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, called the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry notes that pregnant women are among the group most susceptible to the toxic effects of nitrates and nitrites. Studies done by the CDC with nitrate- and nitrite-contaminated drinking water suggest that nitrates can cross the placenta, affecting the unborn child in addition to affecting the mother.
    Expert Insight
    Aside from their carcinogenic potential, nitrates represent a risk to pregnant moms and babies because of their potential for reacting with the protein hemoglobin that delivers oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. When nitrates become nitrites and react with hemoglobin, they produce modified proteins called methemoglobins, explains the CDC. These don't deliver oxygen as effectively, which is of particular concern if you're pregnant, since your baby depends upon your hemoglobin to deliver oxygen to the placenta.
  • i eat whatever i want when i want it! you can have anything food wise just dont over due it. i have a nutritionist & i eat w.e. i want & drink w.e. i want & im super super healthy & my baby is as well.
    before alll these ruled came out. women just ate w.e. they pleased & alll of their babies were perfect. HENSE why the human race is stilll alive & well.
  • You can eat salami juss sayin
  • Of course we can choose to eat whatever we want :)

    We are all given guidelines to healthy eating during pregnancy and this was one that was on the list I was given. I'm not passing judgement...just passing the info along that I was given. Didn't mean to offend anyone :(
  • I wasn't trying to start a debate about what I can and cannot eat. I know what my doctor and I have discussed and what I am comfortable with. I was just wanting to see if there are any other preglys who are craving things that they have"decided" is a no no until after delivery.
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