Not yet, but I'll be 33wks on Sunday & could happily lose mine anytime... ready to get the ball rolling!... but I never saw it with my first, and went from 0cm & "nothing" to active labor & having her in 3 days flat. Would be nice to have some warning this time! Lol...
How do u no ur losing ur mucus plug? I'm 38 weeks and went to pee a few hrs ago. Went to wipe and it looks like clear snot. But it wasn't a lot. Cud that be some of my mucus plug
@mzmommy1st Usually if there is no blood in it they say give it a week but if so u might go into labor within a couple of days or hours. Do u want ur water bag to bust first <<< lol off topic srry
Idk care what goes first, I'm sooo rdy to have him. I'm achey, tired and going threw all the wonderful things u go threw in ur last couple weeks. Urg 13 day till EDD. But want him sooner @Lmamajohn
@Fate ...thanks, sweetie! no joke, though! This pregnancy has been the EXACT opposite of my first! There has not been a single day alike! It's hard to believe they're both girls!!! I never would have guessed. I'll be 33wks tomorrow & I'm still getting random all-day morning sickness that has me running to hurl every 1/2 hour, I have had gawdawful heartburn since the first trimester & everything hurts! Tsk, tsk... listen to me! I'm such a whiner! Bleh! I swear I'm usually much tougher than this! Bahaha...
I lost a little chunk of mine last night. I'm 37 weeks today though. I don't remember losing any of it with my daughter but I remember the whole thing coming out with my son. I think it was a few days later that I went into labor.
Tsk, tsk... listen to me! I'm such a whiner! Bleh! I swear I'm usually much tougher than this! Bahaha...