sleep? Who needs it...

edited June 2011 in Health
I FINALLY got my 6 week old son to sleep... And even though I am absolutely exhausted I can't get to sleep... i seem to be doing less and less of that now.. He has been staying awake more lately and well he is already teething which was a massive surprise to us and he has acid reflux.. My df works and goes to college full time so I don't ask for much help he has got up with him twice since he was born.. I may need to ask him a little more though.. I'm wore out physically and mentally.


  • 6 weeks n teething r u sure?
    I never sleep either so don't feel bad. Lol
  • @marriedwith_4 yeah I talked to his dr and he said he was already... Which blew my mind..

  • Wow! I have never heard of it @ such a young age. That's these new age babies. Lol
  • @marriedwith_4 lol yeah really.. I didn't start teething til about a yr old lol I guess he didn't wanna be like mommy.
  • Waaah I need sleep! I cant fall asleep with my hubby anymore! I think im going to ask for sleeping pills for my last week!!

    Wow teething already!!! Awww I guess he might be eatting by 4 months!!
  • @proudmommy8789 my fiance was complaining about me not being in bed with him but Gage wouldn't go to sleep.. He told me he was going to come sleep on the floor to be near me.. I finally talked him out of it...

    I still have my "pain pills" from my csection maybe I should take that.. They did NOTHING for pain but helped me sleep lol
  • I e been laying/sitting in bed since 10pm and its now 1:37am ugh the wonders of being pregnant!! He cant fall asleep with out me its soo cute
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  • edited June 2011
    @proudmommy8789 its 2:44 here.. We tried to go to bed at 11:30.. Def didn't work.

    @dncrcass until my son was 4 weeks I wad getting up every 3hrs to feed... They put him on that schedule in the NICU so we stuck with out for a while. I know as soon as I fall asleep now that Gage will wake up hungry.. He ate last at 11pm... I hate ppl who don't have kids telling me they don't see why im tired.. Or to suck it up.. Makes me wanna punch them lol.. Oh I cry all the time.. Its horrible.
  • edited June 2011
    Ive been moody and depressed from lack of sleep but I can take naps durings the day. Gosh its just going to get worse when elizabeth comes. I home I dont get bad depresstion I dont want to take meds
  • Home was suppose to be hope sorry I tried fixing it
  • @proudmommy8789 I'm pretty sure I have post partum depression.. My dr told me I was really at risk due to the last month of my pregnancy and delivery.. I was on strict bed rest with dr appts 3x's a week.. Then when I was induced at 35w5d I went through 20hrs of labor with no meds and wouldn't dilate.. Got an epi finally and ended up with a csection then my son spent 3 days in the NICU..
  • Oh wow hun youve had it rough!! Well it will get better! And omg 20hrs I think I would get so tired cause I dont want an epi. Im scared of it I rather deal with the pain
  • @proudmommy8789 I really thought about shoving the needle into the guys man parts that was doing my epi... He was a jerk. That was the first time I cried through the whole thing..
  • Did you complain about him? I would have. Were your nurses nice? Ive read on here that some nurses were mean to them. I would complain and ask for a new one.
  • @proudmommy8789 no but I should have... It still hurts where he shoved the needles in at. all my nurses were super nice during my stay when I had him.. The only mean nurse I had was a hospital stay a couple weeks before delivery..
  • Im still prego but I canr sleep either. And when baby gets here I def will not be sleepin. I nurse so when u have sore boobs and need baby to feed u do it lol
  • @momma_luvz_her_4 I was going to nurse but Gage was a preemie and couldn't latch on to me and pumping didn't keep my supply up.. We were going to have to use formula also though for more calories..

    Speaking of formula...
    horrible night.. well morning now.. I got an hr of sleep before Gage woke up wanted food.. And well somehow I ended up dumping half the formula on the floor! Ugh.. That craps expensive! Go me...
  • Obviously not me. Dri has been asleep forever, bd has too went can't I?
  • @krazymomofadrian I got to sleep about 7 this morning... And Gage woke up to eat at 10 so I handed him off to my fiance.. Well sorta I still had to change him ange make his bottle so his daddy could go smoke...
  • Lol I finally feel asleep at 5:30. Had to wake up at 1130 to go shopping.
  • @krazymomofadrian I was going to shop today but then realized laundry needed done... And bottles need cleaned.
  • We have no food lol. We also have no money, it was payed for by W.I.C. Thank god.
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