8w5d left and...

i been cramping everyday , i feel like crap right now like really weak anyone else?


  • I just saw this post, & wanted to respond for ya. When I had roughly 2 months left, I felt the same way. Just make sure you tell your OB so they can check you & rule out potential health issues.

    I've got 2w5d left, & I hate to tell you, but for me, it only gets worse!! :(
    It'll be worth it in the end, so hang in there momma. In the meantime, rest a lot, drink plenty of water, & eat as healthy as you can. Also, get lots of back & foot rubs.. those always make me feel better! :)
  • I've got 8w3d left and I've been cramping a lot too, the other day I had horrible pain in my left hip, it was terrible :/
  • I have 8w4d left and have been in preterm labor for 3+ weeks! I dint think the pressure or the cramps go away...doc has me on bedrest, and wants me to try to make it till at least 34 weeks!
  • I have 8w 3d left and can't seem to stop with the sharp stabbing pains in my vagina and cramping in my lower stomach it sucks cause I've been pretty pain free this whole time except for back pain
  • I have 8 weeks from tomorrow! Im starting to get uncomfortable at night...my hips and inner thigh are sore! And by the end of work...im done! Im on my feet all day at work....they get huge! Good luck to all u mamas!
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