holy pain

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Ok so i just started gettin this HORRIBLE pain in the lower left side of my stomach. Its kind of to the point where im hunched over at times.. dont have dr's til tuesday... HELP!


  • Poop/gas pains.. or your ligaments(I think) growing. I had the same problem and that's swhat my doc told me at my last app. Baths helped me and havin my bd gently rub my belly :) hope this helps (tums btw for gas if it is, worked miracles for me)
  • Not poop/gas i definitely know how those feel. It probably is just growing pains i just never had them like this before.. plus im extremly nauseas and the thought of any food causes me to run to the bathroom.. this is going to be a tough pregnancy for me but thank you @minirip
  • :( no fun, best of luck to you and I hope you start feeling better!
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