Best Gift Ever!!

edited February 2011 in Second Trimester
I'm 15 weeks along with my third & shortly after midnight today I felt the baby kick for the first time. As if that wasn't amazing enough it's also my 27th birthday today. My daughter will be 5 on Monday & my son will be 1 2 weeks from today. It's weird to me because something amazing involving my kids always seems to happen around my birthday. This lil booger is so active. Can't wait for him/her to kick hard enough so daddy can feel it too. Sorry I was just so excited I wanted to share with everyone. :-D


  • Happy birthday! Feeling our bundles move for the first time is one of the best feelings n the world. Congratulations
  • Thank you both. I think once you feel the baby move a lot of fears disappear & you have some reassurance that everything will be ok.
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