What's your weirdest craving(s)?

edited June 2011 in Food
Mine would have to be...

*peanut butter and jelly french toast with powered sugar and a scoop of chocolate ice cream on top*


*Sour patch kids dipped in whipped cream*


*pizza dipped in sweet n sour sauce*

Mmm.. lol


  • I don't have any with this pregnancy, well at least not yet. I loved peanut with eggs when I was pregnant with my son.
  • @cfa Awwww.. that's strange that you don't have any cravings, I kinda like that part. &* peanut with eggs ? How would you eat that? :)
  • @MommyLovesSparkle On bread. I crave thing but nothing strange.

  • Chicken Flavored Noodles with Peas, seasonall, black pepper, hotsauce, &nd sugar all mixed together. lOl
  • I've craved mayo on toast although thankfully that has subsided...alough I have def fallen in love with sour cream. I eat it with practically everything. Fries, sour cream and onion chips, chili...etc etc. I used to hate hate hate sour creamn. Couldn't even stand the smell.
  • I'm preg with baby #3 and I have never craved anything weird. I just crave normal things lol
  • I hate onions with a passion but while pregnant with my son I always wanted onion rings. Though to this day they're now one of my favorite snacks.
  • Watermelon with garlic salt and streamed broc with syrup
  • @Singlesexy1sttimemom omgg I love noodles but I just like it plain right now lol.

    @rckprincess2 I love sour cream too but mostly for right now its whipped cream with everything !

    @cee808 Awww well that's okay consider yourself lucky because your not gettin weird stares and people laughing at you for eating weird things like a pickle covered in mayo or something lol

    @starkrayzie burger king has the best onion rings with the onion ring sauce is the best ;)

    @their_mommy wow ! Talk about crazy cravings :)

  • Mine would have to be bologna, because I used to despise it and I love dorritos with a piece of chocolate cookie on top, yum
  • Pickles dipped in chocolate pudding, & peanut butter jelly sandwitches w/bacon! It's Soooo GOOOODDDD ;p
  • I mixed mayo and kecthup and diped my chicken nuggets in them. Also I hated parm. cheese and i have been eating that a lot too.
  • lol @MattandMallory27 i mix mayo and ketchup together for my french fries even when im not preggo! and I've been putting parm. cheese on EVERYTHING. its sooo good on pop-corn! and nacho dorritos on PB&J sandwiches. or Dorothy lynch salad dressing on my potato chips :)
  • omg im a huge pig lol
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