Nonstop Braxton Hicks?

edited June 2011 in Third Trimester
so, since last night I swear my belly had been so tight, and non stop. I mean, it may stop for a minute, but then hardens again. I also have low back pain (but I've gotten that a lot throughout my pregnancy). So, I guess I'm questioning about this because it's not super painful, just weird that it won't stop. Any opinions?


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  • Tomorrow is my due date. @Mama_Kat
  • @Mommy2IsaiahNGiselle
    I know.. I don't really know if this is timeable. I absolutely hate this. :(
  • I've been having the same thing @sosmommy ! I'm due in 6 days and I feel like my belly just keep hardening up. Been like tis all day. Then I have all this snotty drainage comming out nonstop like I'm on my period!.. ne ideas????
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  • @so_effin_sweet
    Hmm.. I dunno, I haven't had anything like that. I don't even know if I've lost my mucous plug yet. :/

    Part of me really wants to go in, but I just hate the idea of it being "normal" and nothing important and them just sending me home.
  • Im having pretty much the same thing. I also have period like cramps n backache
    This is my fourth n im wondeting when I should go in
  • @Momma_luvs_her_4
    I have period like cramping, too, but that comes and goes, but sometimes stays for long periods of time. I feel like real pregnancy is NOTHING like you hear about. I cant time any of this crap, it's so frustrating.
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  • My period like cramping has not gone away today at all.... This is exhausting! Sosmommy I hope u get active labour soon! Cause about now im confused as heck lol should I not b experienced at this? U would think
  • @Momma_luvz_her_4
    This makes me feel so dumb. lol This is my first (and probably only) baby, so I've got NO experience.
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