Thanks ladies!!!! Baby is nice and strong her heart rate is 140 and kicking a bunch. They want to induce bc its eclampsia and they r worried I'm going to have another seizure. So she's coming within the next 18 hrs. The nurse is giving me pitoson (sp??) As I type. Im a lil nervous but its the best for me and the baby
So they stopped inducing bc my bp has been normal this whole time so its not eclampcia. Which is good my baby has 4 more weeks to cook. But I'm a lil scared I'm waiting to see the neurologist bc its very stange that I had a seizure with no history of ever having one. So they r going to do some test.
@angieahrens I just got a eeg its kinda like an ekg but for the brain I'm waiting for the results now. The neurologist thinks its pregnancy related but obg's don't so its kind of a mystery smh
@angieahrens & @my1stbaby08 they came back abnormal so I have to follow up after birth to get another eeg and mri.. But now I'm having contractions 6 mins apart on my own so I'm getting checked in am hour and a half. @marriedwith_4 thanks!!
@lil_buggie_3 update doc just came in and yes they want to induce and deliver
@marriedwith_4 thanks!!