
edited June 2011 in July 2011
So i know its time to be misersble. I'm 34 weeks and last night started having contractions 3 minutes apart they didn't really hurt but very uncomfortable. Lasted about an hour then went away. All day today benefit having them off and on pretty uncomfortable. Now I'm extremely nausous like I'm young to puke any second. Any ideas on what i can do


  • Btw have also been super lightheaded the last two days
  • Idk but if they are that close maybe you should call the hospitals 24 hour nurse or even go to the er! Hope u feel better soon :)
  • By the way if they are coming and going away that's probably false labor or just braxton hicks. But I would call just be safe :)
  • So does false labor do anything?
  • false labor is just that from what I understand. But if u are seeing any discharge or on going pain I would call and just let them know cause u are so far along. Hope baby isn't trying to make an early appearance :)
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