Sharing time! Who wants to share?!

edited June 2011 in Just for Fun
So I have a supervisor at work who is about a month behind me in her pregnancy and she found out she is having a boy after two girls. She picked out his name which will be Phoenix Axel. A little different but unique and fits her and her family. The funny part is how her 3 year old daughter says her little brothers name. She calls him penis asshole. No joke. This is the funniest shit ever to me since she has no idea what she's saying, that was my story for sharing time today. Anybody got anything to take my mind off these terrible body aches I'm having? Hope all is well fellow preggos,those trying to preggo their eggos, and those waiting for the little one they deserve :)


  • My 2.5 daughter was at the grocery store with me yesterday and I was trying to get some fresh fish and the guy told us that they were out and she shrugged her arms and said "god damnit why?" I was so embarrased! LOL
  • @kyliemommie LOL little kids are the best! They have no idea what they are saying and it always makes me laugh so hard. This is my first, a girl, and between how goofy and weird me and my husband are we know she's going to be and say crazy stuff. I can't wait :)
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  • @lil_buggie_3 i would have died laughing at that! And like a dork made him say it over and over LOL!
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  • My nephew is learning how to do the picture puzzles where you sound out what it is and make a sentence. Well my oldest BIL is a douche, and his son (the nephew) comes in and says "I watch gay porn!" We all stopped. Looked at him. Asked him to repeat it slowly. "I watch gay porn." The picture? An eye, watch, cape, and a horn. Thanks to his dad, he now tells Everyone he watches gay porn at the ripe age of 5. It was so wrong, but I laughed so hard I almost peed!
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  • @lil_buggie_3 I felt so bad for laughing....but he was just SO proud his daddy said he got it right Lmao
  • I went to a flea market with my niece who is almost 4 and my gma. I was going into one of the stalls and told her to follow me cause my gma was going to the bathroom. She exclaimed (rather loudly) "I don't want to go in there! They have fleas!" I was laughing so hard and tried to explain to her it was just what it was called but I couldn't get her to go in that stall...or any other lol.
  • My daughter the other day was holding my hand during a pap smear and I could tell she was getting curious as to see what was happening so I told her she could look if she wanted (we are very open and she will be in the room when I deliver) she looked..then came back to hold my hand and with her hand on her hips she said 'if that EVER happens to me..I will be sooo mad at you!" The doctor and nurse started cracking up lagging!! She is only four
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