Im 35 weeks and 5dayz..wen will my bby girl drop?? I noe im still early but i just want to meet her(: itz my first nd somone told me ur first most woman go over that true?? I hope not i kant wait allreaddy!!
We r the opposite in my family the first usually comes two to three weeks early. As for when she will drop I have no idea my daughter is carrying kinda low as it is for a girl anyways according to my mom n grandma.... congrats n good luck ill keep my fingers crossed that u get to meet her sooner then later as long as she comes out healthy
With my 1st she never dropped, I necer lost my mucus plug and was over due and had to be induced. My induction was great! Was only in labor for 6 hours which I slept through because of my epidural and only pushed 3 times.
@quowanisamaj_0711 your baby never dropped and they induced u?? My doctor is tellin me that since he's so high up that inducing most likey wouldn't work and were going to discuss csection dates tomorrow...hmmmmm I actually came to peace with it now *siigh*
@heatherlynn-yes ma'am! Talk abour first timers curse (thats what my granny calls it)! Once my water broke (dr did it) she came down and everything went smooth except she pooped...I wish you the best of luck! I am being induced this time as well because my dr doesn't think she will come on her own.