Going on a road trip...

edited June 2011 in October 2011
Its gona b about 15 hours..any ideas on what to bring so I won't be so uncomfortable..and boring lol!


  • Hi Raylene! I'm currently on a major road trip for the next 3 months. My husband and I are from Iowa and we are travelling out west harvesting wheat. I'm currently 22 wks pregnant. What helps me is wearing comfortable clothes, flip flops, packing a cooler with healthy snacks and water. You are supposed to stop every hour and get out and walk around a little bit to avoid blood clots. I would also bring a pillow. Hope this helps. Have fun on your road trip!
  • Its funny cuase im on a road trip right now were driving 9 hrs to upstate NY to visit fam!! Were 3hrs in so far!! We packed a cooler too with strawberries avocado tomatos etc and lots of water. Definitly bring a pillow mine currently saving my back, also bring any of your pregnancy books you've been meaning to read! Good luck and have fun :)
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