did anyone here go through IVF?

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I was wondering if anyone here went through ivf. We did. It only worked for us on the forth try. What about you? What do you think about ivf in general?


  • I did, as a surrogate. It worked on the 2nd try, although only 1 of the 2 embryos emplanted. The worst part was the months of hormone injections. At the end of the shots I seriously didn't think my butt could take 1 more poke. I think ivf is a great option for those who cannot have children naturally.
  • It tool the whole year for us with all the test. Shots are not fun. I am sooooh happy finally worked! I've been waiting for this baby girl for 10 years. It still seems like a miraculous dream that I am pregnant. )
  • I am so happy for you =) how far along are you now?
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