Well I had my amazing baby boy yesterday ((the 13th)). I whent in at 6 am for my induction and he was born a little after 1. Everything whent smooth but very fast !! Started a zero and got to 2cm within the hour with no pain.. The the next hour got to a 5 and the contractions became killer !! They also came back to back so I never got a break. I got my epidural and about an hour and a half after the last check they checked me again and I was fully dilated and ready to push. I pushed for about 30 minutes. My nurse was an idiot and had me pushing too much before the dr was ready so when his head was halfway out she told me to srop and breathe.. I ended up "breathing" through 3 contractions with babys head halfway out so dr could finish getting ready. Then I pushed 2 more times and the dr told mw to stopstopstop while the nurse kept yelling for me to push. I listened to the dr and thank god because the cord was wrapoed around my babys neck three times !! He came out completely purple from head to toe but totally healthy !! Hes amazing and im doing great !! Good luck ladies !!


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