so i have a doctors appointment today and i have a question for you ladies about asking questions

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
So I have something really weird going on down there and I really wanna tell my doc but like I have to get into details for him to understand and some of its just tmi and embaressing. Will my doctor look at me differently?


  • No hun... trust me they have seen and heard it all! Don't be embarrassed...hold your head high. At least you are bringing it to a Drs attention. Good luck hun
  • No your dr probaly won't even raise an eyebrow at you when you give him all the details. After years of medical school, internships and patients they have heard and seen it all. Its important you tell him exactly what's going on so he can figure out the issue :)
  • i agree with every one else....i know you feel embarrased but its life and you dont want to not say nothing, but when your vajaja is uncomfortable your whole body is uncomfortable, get it nipped in the butt now, because you dont want it to be an issue where its affecting the baby, or something that can potenionally get worse, doctors deal with things like this everyday.
  • @wallieheadbaby3 thanks its I just don't wanna be laughed at
  • @all thanks everyone you make me feel so much better =] I thought I was the only one to bring something up about down there to them
  • My bff was too embrassed to say something once and her baby was born with an infection and had to be in the nicu. I swore I would never be embarassed to tell my doctor things after that.
  • I'm a doctor and the more detail you can provide the easier it is to figure things out...once you've been through all the training those details are no big deal, he is there to help, so ask away!!!!!
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