strange question
Believe it or not not a health question from me. This us young to sound strange and like m a whiner but if you only knew. I'm a bartender and asst manager for a bar. Well we are super short handed and they have me working 6 data a week 12 to 16 yourself a day. I physically can't do it anymore. So what i need us for my doctor to put me on bedrest so i can still get my salary. My doctor won't do it just cause i ask. And my boss could care less that i can barely walk by 3am and then be back at 8. Any ideas on how i can maybe find a little. I'm 34 weeks.
But what you don't know about Dr's and insurance companies... if you continue to complain about the same thing and your doctor can't resolve it... the insurance company will order the doctor to put you on leave.