not sure...

So since this morning on and off I've had these cramps that start in my lower back and go into my vagina. I've chosen to pretty much ignore them because I've already been to l&d 2 times for symptoms matching pre eclampsia (dizzy headaches and pressure was up at drs office and home but not at er also urine came back ok) and now they are coming more frequently still starting in my back going to the front. I feel a lot of pressure down there to but don't want to go at 10:40 at night if they aren't contractions...idk what to think...I'm 37 weeks Saturday..has anyone had these? What were they?


  • I had those last week...but mine were round ligament stretching as I'm only 10 call the on call nurse at the hospital or at your doctors office. I hope they can help!!
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