Ran and now have abdominal pain

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
I am 30 weeks pregnant. I'm fit, but I don't usually run, and I haven't run the whole time I have been pregnant. Today I was about to miss the train and I had an exam to get to so I had to sprint for about 30 metres to make it to the train on time. It was a short burst but pretty high intensity. I got in just before the doors closed and I felt very tired and sat down, all seemed fine except that I was puffing. But when I got up to get out of the train at the station, I felt an excruciating pain in my lower abdomen and all around inside my pelvis. It really hurt to walk.
I was fine in my exam as I was sitting down but as soon as I got up it hurt again. It's when I walk anywhere or bend over to put on a pair of pants or take off my shoes.

It's been 7 hours since this happened and it still hurts when I walk/bend. I called my obstetrician and she said to take 2 paracetamol tablets, because it might just be that I strained a muscle or something, and if it still hurts in a few hours, to go to the hospital. Well it still hurts but its bearable now so I'm not really sure what to do, and I don't want to go to the hospital for no reason, especially since no-one is home and I have no way of getting there.
I'm probably overreacting but I just wondered if anyone has experienced anything similar to this and if it is normal, and whether this may cause any harm to my baby?


  • I woulds worry unless u get blood/spotting. This happens to me a lot . I just turned 20 so maybe its our young bodies not quite stretched out. I longboarded and ran a lot up until my 30th week and almost everytime I would get sharp pains in the lower belly. The first time it happened I freaked out and called the nurse but just like with u she said it was probably muscles stretching. Everything should be okay don't stress too much...unless u feel deep down that somthin is wrong...go with ur instincts :)
  • Sorry *wouldn't worry!
  • thanks for the reassurance :) I think I'll just wait it out and see if it goes away, should be ok :)
  • I'am due sept 6 and have stayed very active working 6 days on my feet. This sounds a lot like when I over work myself or haven't had enough to eat. A tylenol and a lot of water helps me out. It usually stops hurting I think its just babys way of reminding me I am with child and need to take it easy. Hope you feel better soon :)
  • I had that feeling/pain happen but I wasn't running or really doing anything that I thought would do that. I had been lying on my side propped up on my arm talking to my father on the phone and he mad me laugh and it was the most painful thing I've felt n my life. I couldn't even get up for a good 20-30mins. And even then I felt like I had def stretched something the wrong way...it sucked. It went away after a few days
  • glad to hear that it seems to go away on its own, thanks :)
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