does the iv help ?

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I was woundering if the iv really works , I wanna get it instead of the epidura i I do want some pain relief but I don't want 2 have 2 take epidural


  • My friend did it that way cause she was scared of the epidural but she said next time she is going with the epidural but she was glad she got to experience it. She said it just makes u feel drunk but it still hurts it just takes the edge off...
  • she also has a very low pain tolerance n is kinda a baby lol but she did it :)
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  • @tricesbaby I'm not positive I can find out tomorrow though :)
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  • They gave me stadol IV and u pretty much had to have ur eyess closed for a nap for any results otherwise did nothing
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  • @tricesbaby I asked her but she said she doesn't remember the name of it that its been to long 3 1/2 years lol
  • I'm preggo w my second and I will have an epi again all the nervousness about it was over stated it was soooo worth it! Goold luck! U can rest if ur tired but u don't feel all jacked up and minamal side effects for baby too! :-)
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  • I have had iv drugs before I had progressed far enuf for my doc to let me get an epidural, it made me dizzy and nauseous. I have also heard that iv drugs affect your baby more than the epidural. I am a wimp and I will get an epidural for the third time in late Sept.
  • @jbandno3 does the epidural hurt really bad?? That's the thing I'm most afraid of n nervous about
  • @mommakk88 I don't think its bad, they give you a local anesthetic to numb your skin before actually doing the epidural. It feels kind of wierd but the relief it gives you is so worth it. For me, when the pain gets too bad I start hyperventilating and it makes the pain worse, so anepidural is the only way for me. I would get one at 8 months pregnant if they would let me just to no have to feel any of the pain.
  • I had an epidural and loved it. Once it kicked in I was actually able to take a nap after being in labor all night for 16 hours. I don't remember it hurting when they put it in but it was 8 years ago. I just remember having to lean over and hold still while I was having a contraction which sucked.
  • Aw I didn't have neither with my first, but I was going to do the iv this time but thanks ladies bc I didn't know the iv stuff affects the baby!
  • Epidural did not hurt really at all. I was worried, but it was Just like an IV being put in. Good luck!
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  • Well I don't want it because Ik u can get nerve damage from the epidural my mom thinks that's y she has all the issues she has with her back. But idk& I didn't know that the iv effects the baby
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  • Does anyone know what the IV med is called? I had nubane during my labor, which I believe they administered by IV (I didn't get a shot, I don't think.) It definitely helped with the labor pains and I didn't even feel them giving me the epi. However, it wears off and subsequent doses aren't as effective. My daughter was born super alert and awake, she got 9's on her APGAR, but I also delivered about 10 hours after I received nubane, so I don't know if that would have been different if she'd been born sooner.
  • Idk yet what im gonna decide 2 do im gonna look more into it but thanks for the advice
  • @jbandno3 ok I feel a little better now :D thank you I'm still nervous but not as scared
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  • iv meds are the bomb!!!!!!! i want to do natural this baby but i think i may wind up getting the iv drugs, just because im a big baby! epi didnt work for me so im def not doing that again! my back hurt for so freaking long!!!!
  • Well I read some stories some women had 2 try 9 times before the Edi would go in right and im scared of the nerve damage that's y I don't wanna get it
  • I had the IV meds... they could only give me one dose an hour and it only worked for 20 minutes then only dulled the contractoonss... made me high and feel drunk and completely out of control. I hated it. I got the epidural and i felt in control and painfree. I was able to nap and talk to hubby and enjoy the process.... we even watched a movie! The epidural was pretty painless..... even after waiting 30 minutes for the doctor to wake-up ... lol
  • Well I read some stories some women had 2 try 9 times before the Edi would go in right and im scared of the nerve damage that's y I don't wanna get it
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  • @Mommy2IsaiahNGiselle I got these different stories from the what 2 expect when your expecting app, and it was more than a few that had problems with the epidural , im considering the edi, but im leaning towards all natural but it might b 2 painful, the thing I worry about is if u move or something goes wrong with the edi u can get nerve damage and I don't wanna risk that so idk yet.
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