Ya I took a first reponse I figured that would be my best bet I was to wait a few more days but I saw the birth of my best friends baby today and couldn't help it my Edd is 2/24/2012 I'm sooooo happy I had the mindset that I couldn't get pregnant bc I didnt in my last long term relationship I'm very happy I was wrong haha
Very seldom does the 2 lines ever match exactly. The control line "usually" is always darker than the other. I took the exact same pregnancy test and my line wasn't as dark as that one and I'm 21 weeks and 3 days today. So yes that is very positive! Congrats and good luck with your journey!
Thank you all I am excited and nervous. Ar the same time it feels like af on her way.. I'm very dizzy and these constant dull cramps are not fun i hipe the cramps go away soon! I want this baby so much and I'm paranoid of losing it.. I'm not planning on telling anyone for another 8 weeks! Haha keeping this in is killing me!! I took 5 early pregnancy tests just to be sure. Today I went to a clinic to test for pregnancy but they couldn't tell me it was positive for sure she said it looked light a light positive but come back monday. My AF is due tomorrow and it feels like its coming (cramps) but maybe that's normal?? I hope I am!