breast pump???

edited February 2011 in Breastfeeding
What breast pump do y'all recommend? Im using avent bottles but not sure which pump to use. Oh do the hands free spandex bands work and do u recommend them??


  • I used the avent pump and bottles for my first baby 7 years ago and I loved it I'm planning on using it (new pump and what not) again for this baby. I like avent because the bottles attach to the pump and you can use them for short term storage, all the avent feeding products are compatible with each other. I'm sure other brands have the same features as well but I'm sticking with avent products.
  • I had a madela pump I used borrowed from a friend, worked great. now I have a newer Avent. As long as you get a nice dual pump they are pretty much the same. All come with the same stuff. I like that this one is a back pack. and has lots of storage, and can handle up to 6bottles!! I tried the hands free band and it was totaly silly to me. First of all you only have a few feet of hose attaching you to pump. So what are you really gonna go do?? and if you move much they clang around and loose suction. then you get milk splashing around on your boobs.. Just kinda pointless to me. easyer just to hold them. Plus it felt like some mid evil torture jacket or something lol Loved the pump though. It really only takes about 10min..
  • I had the Avent pump and bottles...loved it!!
  • I used a lansinoh double pump with my 2nd. I never got much out though, it didn't matter what pump I used. My boobs just don't like the pumps. I did use it hands free though. I just cut holes in a fairly tight sports bra, put the flanges on and then hooked them to the pump. It worked great and I didn't have any problem loosing suction.
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  • Thank you ladies!! I think im going with scent because I want to use the bottles!! Im excited to breast feed I just hope I can with my lupus.
  • @mama_kat i am considering going with the madela pump...but i was wondering if you knew if the bottles that come with it are BPA free?
  • Im renting the medela lactina electric pump. It has adjustable suction settings, plug in or battery operated, single or double pump, and a power adapter for the car.
  • With medela, anything that comes in contact with your milk is BPA free.
  • I love my medela freestyle...handsfree and cud pump n car...although the hands free bra is def worthwhile too. Fold laundry while pumping LOL
  • I have medela (electric) pump. Do not get a manual unless you want an arm work out. We bought Dr Brown bottles which both girls liked and has less air bottles to prevent gas build up.
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