Virtual Baby Shower - What Do You Think?

edited June 2011 in Baby showers
I have a dilemma, but think I found a solution and was curious what you guys think.

Long story short, I am in California and my good friends and family are back in Wisconsin. My family and I are not on good terms, largely because my mom causes me alot of stress (I miscarried when she came to visit me over Christmas), so going home does not feel good to me right now because I don't want to be near her. Not to mention, no one in my family has offered to throw me a shower, but all my good friends have offered and basically said, "you need to have this special day".

So, I am a web designer and I thought - why not have a virtual shower. I could build a site where people can post new mommy tips, well wishes, or even guess how much the baby will weigh. I thought I could also post a registry and maybe mail out shower favors to my friends. Thought I could also blog about the pregnancy and basically share with the people I love so I don't feel so "left out" and they get to participate in thisntime in my life.

What do you guys think? Any thoughts or tips?

I really want to at least have something as no one offered to throw me a wedding shower. Also had to cancel my wedding and elope in Greece because of my family messing up the event. Just want to make this time special and not let my family ruin it.


  • edited June 2011
    Forgot to mention, I am 20 weeks and expecting a boy :). So, have a *little* time to get something together.
  • A good friend of mine is doing something like that cause alot of her famy lives in other states and if they send gifts she wants them to be ablevto see her open them.. She also has a blog and even has recorded her ultrasounds.. If my friends and family wasn't around i would probally do the samw thing. I love the idea..
  • @Mommy2five that is awesome that your friend is doing this. I think it is a great way to let loved ones from afar stay up-to-date on the pregnancy. Plus, seeing it is a website, you'll have all the memories recorded and can go back to look at everything in the future. I hear more and more people are doing this.
  • @2ndbutfirst thank you! I know many people are doing this already, so it's easy to take a look at what other people are doing. I thought my close friends would enjoy it, also. :)
  • if the place i had mine would have had wifi i would have had my mom watch on a web cam but no wifi
  • @Rissalee7 that stinks that the place didn't have wifi! Yes, I think you can broadcast an event via Skype or any type of messenger. It's a good way to share with people, but yet keep some of the *evil* people away, too ;-)
  • Very cool idea. It's a great way to include those who can't make the trip. If you really wanted, you could create some sort of game online, like trivia, n you can evaluate the answers n mail out a gift card? Lol that seemed like an idea before I typed it all out. You could really have fun with it tho.
  • @alilboulding that is a really great idea because then you get some of the traditional games incorporated. People love games, right? ;-) The more I think about it, the more I'm starting to like the idea because it fits my personality and I think you're right, it could be a lot of fun! Thanks so much for the suggestion.
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