Some blue dust please!

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I'm so excited I have my anatomy scan tomorrow and I'm hoping they can give me an exact due date and tell me what I'm having!! So I was wondering if it would be fun for hubby to come he has not been to any appoments with me yet? And if any of you girl who have had one could give me some inside on what the appoment will be like. Thanks :)


  • **Blue dust** ..And absolutely he should go with you! That's such an exciting time and a good chance to have a moment together...its just like a regular appt but they will take a lot of ultrasound pics, (my office has the 4D machine so I got to see my lil man moving around!)...its a pretty amazing experience! Good luck! :)
  • Im having a girl so im sending all my blue dust to you! Good luck!
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