this is rediculous

edited June 2011 in Baby names
So, my husband has been really picky when it comes to names for a boy. Last night he read the name Byme pronounced bye-me. And he likes it. Byme is what his nephew used to call him when he couldn't .pronounce Bryan. And to top it off, it means bear, which is my husbands favorite animal. What do u guys think?


  • it's definately original. personally i would say no. but this is your baby and it's best that you love it and know that your child wont resent you for it. those are my goals when naming :)
  • @survivormommie3 yeah, that's what I'm worried about. If its a girl, we are naming her Victoria Leigh and for a boy, I like Hanz and Liam but he doesn't so much. Lol
  • Only one person? But if I were to mention bd drama, I'd get 250 comments lol thanks pregly for nothing
  • i like the name Liam.. i personally dont like Byme, but is your choice
  • Not a fan of byme matthias is unique but has a easy nick name
  • I agree with those about. Not a big fan but its between you and your hubby and if that name makes you happy then go for it!!
  • I would say no to Byme. It seems like a name that could easily be teased about. But not many people like our choice for our 3rd boy and were still going with it. Truett pronounced True-it. Good luck!
  • Byme is very unique! Go with what you think is right it has meaning and that's what 1st son we named Sedakai (said-uh-kai) which means strong ocean..sedakai who is now 3 prefers to be called kai...I'm happy with our choice...were going with jayden eli for this baby husbands bf lost his baby so were naming him after my hub bf
  • Byme is something I would never name my child but I do believe that if you were to name your child that people would have to get used to it but the eventually would but I do like liam good luck hun
  • I like Liam but Byme and Hanz, not so much.
  • Have you watched dexter?? Byme is what he called his brother when he couldn't pronounced Brian. Yea, they're both crazy serial killers. That's just my first thought.
  • @rissalee7 sorry I didn't mean for it to sound crazy but since I'm pregnant I'm catching up on the seasons of dexter so that's the first thing I thought of. My friend had her baby today and named him dexter. I told her she was crazy for naming him after that character but her husband thought it was awesome. Sometime men shouldn't name kids. My husband wanted the name "Severe".
  • lol @jcmommy i love dexter so i probly would name a boy dexter if my bf would let me. luckily he didnt have any crazy names to try to get em to agree to. we agreed to matthias if a boy and kailee if a girl. weill first one is kailee isabelle next one if a boy will be matthias chad ive heard some crazy ideas from guys tho. her godfather suggested thor if we had a boy smh at men
  • I like liam a lot..if I was having twin boys one would be named liam..but only one boy and hubby gets his way.
  • To me, it sounds like your baby is for sale..Buy Me! I'm not a fan, lol. I don't think baby name threads get a lot of replies because no one wants to say they don't like your choice and there are sooo many name threads
  • also agree with @laura536 about the being hesitant on saying you dont like someones name choice also i dont really post on the bd ones either and the one i posted about my bf only got 10 posts
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  • @gatorbob You gave us that name and we love it! We had to change the spelling on it because my friend put it in my head that Truitt would be pronounced like fruit. Thank you!! We have found either people love it or hate it. Good thing he's our baby! We get to choose.
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  • :-q sorry.....just too odd if it were me, baby would probably get made fun of tons in school :-q
  • Have you thought about making him a junior and then you could use byme as a nickname, but he'd still have a more traditional name for school and business.
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