stressed...please help any advice appreciated!!!

I am 30w 4d been in pre-term labor for 3+ weeks..(this is my 2nd) we have NO help for our 5yr old my hubby works 3rd shift (I was layed off) and I was transfered to a fetal med doc about 1hr 15m from our home...I have been having SUPER pain in the "hoo ha" (up inside..sry tmi) all day and have had about 8 to 10 contactions again in the last 2hr 15min or so! What do I do??? I'm soooo tired!..btw I'm already almost 3cm and 50%....ugh!


  • Call your dr. Sometimes those pains are the start of labor and if you're already 3 cms, you don't have far to go.
  • Go to l&d Hun my doc says more than 5 in an hour to go in I'm sorry your going through this
  • Well if infact ur in labor n get admitted ur hubby has the right to get time off from his job their is such a thing as paternity leave for fmla but
  • Depend on job he might not get paid
  • Good luck! Is their anyone there to drive u to hospital?
  • go to the closest l&d sweetie. if you are in labor or something is wrong then you can always have them transfer you, or you can have hubby/ drive yourself to the hospital that is further away. of course i would say hubby should drive you. but it depends on the situation.
  • Thx girls...the whole situation sucks! I started timing them again took a warm shower and have drank 60+ oz of water just incase its a hydration issue...gonna see how many I have this hr so I can tell doc...I know $ isn't everything but I just don't wasn't to see him loose a whole night if its not "real" labor! They will get stronger and closer if its labor agin right (sry been 5 years lol)...I do appreciate the advice will keep u updated!
  • UPDATE* contractions are only about 12 min apart so I think I'm gonna hold off for a bit on going in...still in a lot of pain :'( but without a support system I'm pretty much screwed! If hubby misses tonight at work we won't make rent! Sorry for venting just at my witts end!
  • They may want to try and stop your labour as its so early, I would at least give the hospital a call hun x
  • I would say it's better to go in & stop it then to wait until you've progressed so far it can't be stopped. You have to weigh the options! I didn't want to call or go in last week when I did, but they stopped it with 1 shot & sent me home within 4 1/2hrs... better than a preemie in the NICU for weeks...
    Good luck sweetie. :)
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  • That's scary. I would go in for sure.
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