You may also be in the stage where you're experiencing a little more discharge than what you have could also very well be small amounts of urine that you don't realize you're losing. I have that issue and have invested in panty liners to help minimize "wet undies". I would mention it to the doctor, though...just to be on the safe side!! Good Luck, Momma!
Agree with the pantyliners... otherwise I would be changing my undies 3 times a day & there's no way I have enough time or energy for that much laundry! Lol!
Easy way to know what it is; Go to L&D. They will test it. It's important to know for sure, so you (and the baby) don't get infections. My guess is just a little extra discharge though. I have that, and it definitely feels like a WET spot. Lol.
So I started having contractions they are 6 to 8 minutes apart so I'm sitting in l&d they checked me I'm half a centameter dialated and my cervix is soft. So now I'm just waiting and even better my doctor is out of town.
well they sent me home cause the contractions werent strong enough and I want dialating. I'm still having them and they hurt really bad i just hope I can get some sleep now.
I would mention it to the doctor, though...just to be on the safe side!!
Good Luck, Momma!