Hmmm..? * update *

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
So my panties at wet not way wet but they are just wet how do you know if your leaking?


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  • It could also be sweat, lol... it happens to me all the time now that it's warm out- sorry for the tmi. ;)
  • You may also be in the stage where you're experiencing a little more discharge than what you have could also very well be small amounts of urine that you don't realize you're losing. I have that issue and have invested in panty liners to help minimize "wet undies".
    I would mention it to the doctor, though...just to be on the safe side!!
    Good Luck, Momma!
  • Agree with the pantyliners... otherwise I would be changing my undies 3 times a day & there's no way I have enough time or energy for that much laundry! Lol!
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  • Easy way to know what it is; Go to L&D. They will test it. It's important to know for sure, so you (and the baby) don't get infections. My guess is just a little extra discharge though. I have that, and it definitely feels like a WET spot. Lol.
  • So I started having contractions they are 6 to 8 minutes apart so I'm sitting in l&d they checked me I'm half a centameter dialated and my cervix is soft. So now I'm just waiting and even better my doctor is out of town. :(
  • Don't wear panty liners too often... they trap moisture and cause infections. Cotton panties are best...
  • Good luck hun!! Keep us updated!
  • well they sent me home cause the contractions werent strong enough and I want dialating. I'm still having them and they hurt really bad i just hope I can get some sleep now.
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