how would u spell...

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
how would u spell aj? is it AJ or Aj? we love this name for a boy but do both letters have to be capital or just the first?


  • I would think only the first but idk :/
  • IMO, AJ would be if his name was "Alex James" or something.. and Aj would be if that were his whole name.. But there probably isn't a right or wrong way to do it.. :)
  • I usually see it as AJ, because you say both letters separately, and it's often a nickname for a name like Andrew James.
  • we just like aj not short for anything but i have so many people telling me how to spell it and now im confused lol
  • AyJay, jk!! Id say Aj since its the whole name and not just initials.

    My name is Caroline, but my family calls me CJ for my first and middle initials.
  • @caroline8_p thats what i was thinking and thats how we are gona spell just so excited that we finally have a boy name :)
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