Question about preemies

I had my son at 38 weeks n my daughter at 33 weeks well she was in nicu one of the nurses asked y she came early I said my water broke she asked if it did with my son I said yes that he was 38 weeks tho then she said do I want more I said yes she said I will most likely have another preemie n its something that I should think about is this true? Im not trying now but I was just curious


  • I don't really know about that. I was the oldest and my mom had me at 28wks. My brother had to be induced 2wks early because he was too big for my moms body structure. He could have easily gone to full term but she just wouldn't have been able to have him natural.
  • Every pregnancy Is different :)
  • i have genetic blood disorders that gave me hell w my first and now w my second i'm going to be cs at 32 weeks for safety purposes. It could be something similar w you, you might want to consider genetic testing before conceiving a third time just to double check.

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  • Ya I kept that in mind every pregnancy is different I want a big family so when she said that it kinda scared me I wouldn't want to have to go threw that again its hard my mom never had a preemie theres 5 of us she did miscarry 4times n 4 of us were csections but my sister had all 3 of hers on their due date or after nut their water never broke. Ya I wasnt sure if I should care what she said or not I went to pima for awhile n my teacher also told me if I had a csection I should have another kid within 2yrs or not at all because the tissue n muscle get to thick n difficult
  • Idk of its true
    .like they say every pregnancy is different but myself and my 2 sisters were all born about a month to- 3 wks early
  • they say every pregnancy is different.. i don't think that nurse should be saying rude stuff like that esp if she doesn't know if thats true or not
  • edited June 2011
    Im my moms oldest and I was born 2 1/2 months early and my brother is her 3rd and youngest and he came 3 months early.... my sister is in between us and she came 10 days late.... I hope this helps
  • My son was born at 33 weeks due to severe toxemia that started to shut down my liver and kidneys. I have hereditary high blood pressure and after I had him we found out I have mthfr which is a blood clotting disorder. With this current pregnancy my high risk ob has put me on blood thinners and other meds to combat the disorder and has let me know that I have a 50 percent chance of delivering early again according to statistics but he thinks we'll make it to term. my best friend also has this disorder( she didn't know with her first either) and had to have a csection with her first while in a coma at 26 weeks. Her second was born not too long ago at full term and completely healthy. I have a very positive outlook on it and know that I'm in good hands with my doc. Talk to your doc about the concerns you have and they will tell you the facts and also what they think your future pregnancies will bring. Good luck and good health!
  • @peruviamama thats what i have, in my first pregnancy thou instead of toxemia I ended up w placenta abrupta from an infection of the amniotic fluid which also caused kidney and liver failure. super fun - NOT. I'm getting the organ development steroid shots at 30 w and being Cesarianed at 32w to be safe.
  • My mother had miscarriages, they adopted me, she had been taking some kind of meds to help with babies "sticking" for lack of a better word-30+ years ago. My sister was due end of dec or beginning of Jan and came Nov 1. My brother was full term.
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