preeclampsia...28 weeks

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Yesterday, my doctor advised me of protein in my urine & my blood pressure is showing as high. So it seems I have preeclampsia. I had to do a 24hr urine collection that will be turned in tomorrow, and they did blood work. I had no symptoms besides high blood pressure and protein in my tonight, I'm having some pain in my lower right abdomen & feels like I may have heartburn. Any thoughts? Can I deliver now? Is the baby developed enough at 28 almost 29 weeks?


  • No u don't want to deliver now! 36weeks at wayy earliest...I had preclampsia it sucked but I learned to deal...u will b fine tons of water n. Try tums
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  • I'm so scared, I can't sleep! I'm trying to relax and think positive, but so worried...
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  • Try to relax I know its scary. I had my first at 28 weeks due to preterm labor and he was in the NICU for 7 weeks no ventilator and he has been the sign of health ever since then. Just try not to stress. I hope everything turns out ok for u.
  • Have they started you on the baby lung steroids yet? My sister's youngest two were born at 26 and 27 weeks both made it both & are rather typical 6 & 7 y/o's
  • Not yet. I'm going back in today. Thank you all for being here! I couldn't sleep last night, until your responses eased my mind
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  • Dr called today and said my 1hr glucose test came back high too! What's going on with me? I want to cry!
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