Made hubby sleep in the guest room

edited June 2011 in Pregnancy and fathers
So yesterday my hubby took my daughter to gymnastics and after 3 hrs of practice she wanted to go out for dinner. She has daddy wrapped around her pinky so the go out@ 830 pm. I worked a 12 hr shift and was exhausted so I asked him to bring me dinner as well. They get home @ 10 pm and he forgot my dinner. He says he was talking on the phone and it slipped his mind. How can a phone call be more important? I was so upset because I had to be up@ 530 tp head back to work. So by the time I got something to eat and got to bed it was after 11. I told him not to even think about coming in our bed. Im still pissed and having to drink a cup of coffee to wake myself up. Ugh
He's usually so awesome and this took me by surprise. I wanted to dot his eye and cross his teeth.


  • Must be something in the husband is usually super and all week long I've asked him to please get me prune juice. He comes home with grape juice and snapple apple(which is my fav snapple) and tells me its the same thing. Grr!
  • Im not asking for anything else
  • Never mess with a pregnant woman & her food ;)
  • My husband does that all that time, but he's very absent minded. Way to make a girl feel loved!
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