Maybe he just had a dumb moment... Sorry its long

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Why the hell did my hubby just tell new to change my fetal echo appointment to another day because it is the same day as a small business class he's been wanting to take. Ummm no I've been nervous and anxious to find out that our daughters heart is ok since they told us that there was a leak in her heart. And I need to know that it closed. He figured since I had a nst and 2 u/s and they didn't say anything that it should be fine. No I want the specialist to tell me everything us fine. Then he gets upset because I got annoyed with him and told him no I won't be changing the appointment. They only do them on Mondays, it has to be done between 10-12 weeks from the last appointment, and they book up quickly. He almost caught a foot to the face before work. I'm hoping it was just a dumb moment but he's been having alot of then lately.


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