when does doctor start checking cervix?

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
When did your doctor start checking your cervix? Just wondering I am 33 weeks and just wondering when he will start checking me I'm just curious! Also I have 2 stretch marks on my one side and 5 on.the other not really bothering me lol but I got one very little faint one in the front now, did anyone else have this happen and how many more did you end up getting in front I only have 7 weeks so I'm hoping not a lot lol


  • edited June 2011
    my dr started checking every week starting @ 36wks.. I don't remember when my stretch marks started I just know they r all over now :(
  • i was checked at 36 weeks
  • It depends on your dr, but I think 36 weeks. Some dr's won't check until 40 though. I don't know anything about stretch marks, I didn't get big enough for them last time, but I think I will this time, lol!
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  • My midwife checked me at 35 weeks, but I'm sure she'll check me today being i'm almost 38 weeks. Im sure you can ask your dr to check you if you think you might be dialated. As for the stretch marks...i didnt get any on my stomach until 36 weeks...and there was only a few...now theres a lot, and coco butter doesnt seem to be helping.
  • @roomfor1more aww well its ok its just a part of pregnancy, they will fade!! @joshuaswifey_711 seems like that's when everyone got checked lol @Laura536 thank you! And your lucky lol @homebirthadvocate why if your lucky does it hurt?:/ and did u end up getting a lot of stretch marks? @Ericak22 I know I used palmers belly butter 4 time a day lol doesn't prevent or really help lol
  • The past two times my doctors waited until I was 36/37 weeks, but for some reason (I guess because this is my third?) they started checking me at 34. :O
  • I am so glad you posted this I was wondering the same thing my first obgyn checked me every visit. And with this one I haven't got checked yet I am 29 weeks. On my way to doctor right now. I also got all my stretch marks the last few weeks.
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