Pet Lovers---Question About a Cat! HELP needed!

edited June 2011 in Babies
Ok one of my many situations is I have 1dog & 3 male cats. My dog is great. My oldest & youngest cats are fine. These 2 cats are neutered & housebroken. PROBLEM is that my middle cat has a murmur & is NOT neutered. Because of this he poops & sprays everywhere. I can't get him fixed because vets want expensive exams on his heart before they even decided to fix him. As for now he's in a cage during the night & outside during the day. With a new baby on the way, I need to get rid of my cat :(. But no one wants an owner surrender. I've called one place but they don't/can't take him. They took owner surrenders but guess my cat didn't qualify. OK...
My question is does anyone know what I can do to get my cat to a no-kill shelter?? No friends or family want him either. What do I do to get my cat the help he needs??? I'm in Illinois by the Chicago area. Thanks.... I need it.


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  • not to make u gross out or anything can u neuter him urself? we nueter all ours at home with rubber bands(obviously only the males) it takes about 2-4 weeks for them to fall off but only a few days for them to shrivel up and die
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  • Did you try contacting PAWS? They are involved with no kill shelters in Chicago.

    Good luck finding a home for your cat.
  • Don't neuter him yourself!!! If you have no experience you will cause him so much pain and suffering.
    Try Craigs List, if you live by any farms maybe you can find one that will take him as a barn cat.
    Also, local rescues not apart of shelters might consider taking him. It will be hard to place him because no one wants a cat that sprays and marks the house so you would have to advertise him as an outdoor cat only. And some people prefer that.
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  • @KerrideeRN they didnt cry or anything i mean they weren't happy to have us put rubberbands on their balls but they didnt cry afterwards or anything. whatever u do dont give them aspirin my cat got super sick from it
  • Plus, Neutering at this point will probably not stop the marking behavior. Once a cat starts they typically do not stop because it becomes a "learned behavior."
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  • @LittleFae my bf lived on a farm where he nuetered animals all the time thats y i let him do it
  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe my bf did it and they didnt bleed or anything but he did it on the farm all the time so he was an expert lol
  • @Rissalee7 - Neutering with rubber bands is considered a form of Animal Cruelty in the US. If something were to go wrong and she would have to take the cat to a vet, she would be charged with Animal Cruelty. Face fines/investigation/and possible jail time.
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  • Well. I don't have anyone who wants cats, I wouldn't even consider shelters. What I did is I took their photos ( they looked so cute) posted on craigslist. I even put a intro about their personality. Bunch of people called me but they were interested in one or two of them. I had 3 btw. They thought they were related, slept together, played together and fought with each other too:) soooo I kept number of those people. But when couple called wanting 3 of them, that was it. I didn't ask for rehome fee or anything. My goal was to make sure they had a good home. I gave away their gear too ( make sure to put that on listing) which was quite expensive stuff. I tried right before holidays because people get cats as gifts:) put a bow on them :) people also feel heartbroken about special needs cats. Also I neutered my cats at holiday humane society and when you show first thing in morning, they accept you without appointment instead of waiting months. I paid 40 for two cats or something like that. They might take care of her with her condition. Just search for local humane society or free clinics.
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  • I should have clarified that he has had many experiences in doing this. I personally dont have a problem with it as it is what they use to do before surgery was available. I prefer this method as i have had an animal be overdosed with the anestesia and pass away. I apologize if this offended anyone
  • @Rissalee7 - your bf has experience, but @one5one does not and to suggest that she does this and that it's fine is where it got iffy.
    I'm not for that method, I have seen/heard stories of what happens when people use that method when they do not know what they are doing.
    But if you BF has experience (which the majority of those who work on farms do. I have family that have farms and take care of a lot of "vet" work themselves because it is apart of their lives and daily business) it is fine, but to tell someone who doesn't... isn't a good suggestion.
  • @LittleFae i understand that which is why i asked if she could do it herself (meant to be taken as does she have any experience with this technique/abilities) i didnt mean to sound as tho i was telling her to give it a shot in the dark, again i apologize for being unclear. The first time my bf suggested it i flipped out (i didnt grow up on the farm so to me it was wrong) he had me help by just holding their legs apart so i could see that it wasnt hurtful or really cruel. I think the worst part about the whole experience for me was checking the litter box to make sure that was where they fell off
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  • is the reason they want the extra monitoring is because of the effect the anastesia would have on him?
  • Can he just be an all the time outside cat? We had the same problem with a male cat who would not unlearn marking and I was moving to an apartment that I didn't want to be responsible for replacing the carpet in. I gave him to my mom so he could live outside there. The no kill shelters will not take him if you mention the marking issue, because no one wants a cat that does that.
  • @laura536 - has a good idea. Can he be an all time outdoor cat? You can make a mini ""cat" house for him to sleep in during the night.
  • @kerridrn I gotta get the cat fixed but no vets gonna do that because cat gota murmur & a vet gots to do ct scan & ekg & more that I can't afford.
  • @Rissalee7 I googled home neuter & it seems unsafe. Plus infection can set in & with the murmur it wont be good.
    @SaraS yes I've contacted them but they don't take owner surrender. Seems like if I was abusing the cat they'd take him then. Ugh its gettin hard to deal with places who are full & can't take & help my cat.
  • @LittleFae yea the home thing isn't for us. And he gwts into fights w the strays & gets scratched up. Idk bout Craigslist because I'm in the stoneage when it comes to stuff like that. Isn't Craigslist creepy? I don't want the cat to go to a home to get abused. I'm near Chicago but I guess I could find a farm but the cat isn't really a outdoor cat in the fact that he's skinny & can't fight.
  • @angieahrens that's pretty much wat ill have to do. To ensure he get the proper care & love he deserves.
    @LittleFae not always true my eldest cat wasn't fixed for a while. He'd do the same as this one....spray, poop where he pleases. He'd also escape the house. He had gone missing for 4 months. Thought id never seehim again. That's when me & the middle cat bonded. So from Feb to june the oldest was gone. But june he came back....sickly, skinny& I fed himto health & tookhim to a vet. But the oddest thing was he came home neutered!! With a piece of his ear clipped off. Animal cruelty picked him up & fixed him & released him!! He came home. They do that to strays but he wasn't really a stray just lost for a while. Now he's the bestest cat ever! No pooping!! No spraying!! Uses the box regularly. So. A cat can get fixed after spraying & never spray again
  • Operation kindness it's a no kil shelter
  • @gatorbob he doesn't really have a personality issue. Its his hormones that's getting to him.
    @ashthurs i did take him to anti-cruelty to get the low cost neuter that's how we found the murmur. They wouldn't do the neuter due to liability.

    @lil_buggie_3 I appreciate your info. I guess I will need to.lie. I was thinking of the stray lie. Should I go to a shelter? Or call first? I was thinking of saying he's been friendly & lurking around but the other strays are mean to him & he looks sickly to me. Which he does because he's skinny. I've already called places & searched websites. So basically lying is the best policy in this situation. I'm afraid ill cry when we drop him off though.
  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe I could but the first thing vets do is check the heartbeat. I guess they can hear it right away because he's seen 3 vets & they all do it & heard it.
    @Rissalee7 yes because without testing the murmur he can go into a coma or die if they gave him too much anesthesia or whatnot
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