heart rate

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
What is the saying for boys and girls? Girls have a high heart rate or low??? Mine is 146-152?? What do You think?


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  • I believe girls are high. Not positive though
  • Its supposedly 140 and up girl, under that, boy. It was wrong with me with my second. My first was 164 all the time and she's a healthy 17 month old girl and my second was at 135 and she's a healthy 2 weeks old girl! :)
  • My girls hb is 139.
  • Hmmm...
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  • Was 170 now it's about 155. Boy.
  • We were going to wait till birth to find out but I scheduled my ultrasound today and my husband and I changed our minds! I'm so excited for July 14th!!
  • 140-160 is normal.
    my baby girl was at 180 two weeks ago and my dr. made me cut out all caffine including chocolate and coco butter because it speeds their heartrate up too much. But now its at 148
    everything will be fine (*)
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