Nipple confusion/ best tips?
I've been successfully bf since 3:25pm tuesday, and I am so excited to be bf this time. Anyways I'm getting different types of info FROM PROFESSIONALS! One consultant told me absolutely no bottles/pacifiers to prevent nipple confusion, another one told me to introduce the bottle at 4wks old, and bout 2x/wk so the baby wont refuse the bottle later on. I was also told by one that I absolutely needed to pump, and by others that I didnt. Anyways now I'm confused. I am staying home strictly besides finishing my college courses in the fall (part time) and thats it. I'm not feeling engorged, have heard of hand expressing , I dont want to over produce, I'm getting the hang of bf and positions. Please give me your experiences and advice with bf. I plan on atleast a yr, hopefully 18 mos because of all the benefits and such....
My baby is 20 days old today and I have been breastfeeding since the beginning. He would nurse usually every 2 hrs for about 10 mins. But then he would constantly want to be on the breast for hours- not even eating - and I was going crazy so I bought a pacifier and he did great without confusion. I also tried pumping and storing which I was only getting about 1 oz total each time. This week, he started being very fussy without anything soothing him and I decided to start bottles. I gave him formula mixed w breastmilk in a bottle (about 2oz) and he was such a happy baby. I have been exclusively pumping now every 2 hrs getting about 1 1/2-2 oz each time and mixing it with formula to make 2-2 1/2 oz for him. He has been doing great. And I tried putting him on the breast last night and he took it fine but it didn't satisfy him completely and I had to use bottle anyway.
Good luck and just try what your baby like. Every baby is different.