Nipple confusion/ best tips?

edited June 2011 in Breastfeeding
I've been successfully bf since 3:25pm tuesday, and I am so excited to be bf this time. Anyways I'm getting different types of info FROM PROFESSIONALS! One consultant told me absolutely no bottles/pacifiers to prevent nipple confusion, another one told me to introduce the bottle at 4wks old, and bout 2x/wk so the baby wont refuse the bottle later on. I was also told by one that I absolutely needed to pump, and by others that I didnt. Anyways now I'm confused. I am staying home strictly besides finishing my college courses in the fall (part time) and thats it. I'm not feeling engorged, have heard of hand expressing , I dont want to over produce, I'm getting the hang of bf and positions. Please give me your experiences and advice with bf. I plan on atleast a yr, hopefully 18 mos because of all the benefits and such....


  • I bf most of the time, and supplement with bottles and offer pacifier. My daughter is one week old, and I don't notice any nipple confusion. My pediatrician told me that it is fine to offer all three from birth.
  • I have gotten different advise from different professionals too. While I was still in the hospital I could tell my son wasn't getting enough transition milk. He kept rooting and not being satified from nursing (because my.milk hadn't come in yet) my gut instincts told me to give him 2 oz of formula so we could both sleep but the lactation consultant said not to. I asked his pediatrician the next morning (after not sleeping all night) she said it was fine. I did it he slept I slept and we were all happy :) . He didn't have any nipple confusion in fact he sometimes likes his pacifier and nurses like a champ! I would tell you to listen to their advice and then follow your gut instinct. If you are producing too much milk you can pump some off the top after feeding ur baby to help with engorgement. If you aren't making enough milk you can try to have ur baby nurse more frequently to make more milk come in. Good luck!
  • You don't have to introduce a bottle, Adrian only takes it once in awhile. We use it for emergencies. I have a breastpump and rarely use it, but it is nice to have one if the baby goes through a growth spurt. You can develop mastitis if your baby doesn't eat as much after the spurt. With pacifiers we started at 2 weeks, but bfed babies should wait until 4 weeks, I was told 3 weeks with the bottle. It is all your instincts, we have them for a reason. Lol. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask. I am usually up at this time.
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  • Hello..
    My baby is 20 days old today and I have been breastfeeding since the beginning. He would nurse usually every 2 hrs for about 10 mins. But then he would constantly want to be on the breast for hours- not even eating - and I was going crazy so I bought a pacifier and he did great without confusion. I also tried pumping and storing which I was only getting about 1 oz total each time. This week, he started being very fussy without anything soothing him and I decided to start bottles. I gave him formula mixed w breastmilk in a bottle (about 2oz) and he was such a happy baby. I have been exclusively pumping now every 2 hrs getting about 1 1/2-2 oz each time and mixing it with formula to make 2-2 1/2 oz for him. He has been doing great. And I tried putting him on the breast last night and he took it fine but it didn't satisfy him completely and I had to use bottle anyway.
    Good luck and just try what your baby like. Every baby is different.
  • Thank you ladies :) we're getting the hang of this at 5 days :P
  • My son had to spend all his time after birth in the nursery and they gave him a paci and bottles to start. As soon as I was able to get up and get there, I started bf. He had no problem at all! Once home, I mostly bf but used at bottle at times. He used a paci the whole time. Never had any confusion.
  • My daughter wascompletely happy with bottle or breast by 8 weeks as long as it was breast milk. My son wanted nothing to do with bottle he didn't care what was in it and only took breast and a pasi. So it is very much up to u and baby.
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